When they have a nightmare (Blue Team + Osiris)

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Caldas-10. A UNSC colony of 20.9 million. It was almost like a second Harvest. Peaceful and filled with beautiful scenery. It used to have beautiful scenery. The Covenant attacked. Infinity being the closet ship to Caldas responded in full attacking the Covenant the moment they exited slip-space and helping the survivors if there were any on the surface. All Spartans where to be deployed to the surface to fight Covenant ground troops and find survivors. And when Lasky said "All Spartans" every single Spartan on Infinity was down in the battle field. Locked in combat the Spartans lost track of how many Covenant they had killed. A cuople Spartans managed to find survivors and where protecting them until a transport could be sent their way. While the Spartans fought they had no idea how Infinity was doing. Until it crossed the mind a certain Spartan. The Spartan looked up at the sky seeing a large explosion. One of the Covenant ships went down. The Spartans mentally cheered seeing the ship explode. Then a few more came down. Infinity looked to be doing okay. That was until the main ship of the Covenant came crashing down with Infinity following suit.

"(y/n)!" Cried the Spartan trying to reach their lover on the coms. Nothing but static. The light that came from the crash soon covered their vision and turned everything white.

Master Chief/John-117

-nearly jumps out of bed

-makes sure you still by his side


-kiss the side of your head

-Sometimes it wakes you

-if you do wake up he gets a worried expression

-if you are awake enough to ask what his wrong he give a simple reply

-he soothes your worries and coaxes you back to sleep

-if you don't wake up, he'll watch you sleep for a minute or two

-he'll barrow your data-pad and read a story using that to get him to go to sleep

-before finally going back to sleep he'll kiss you one last time holding you as close as he can to his heart.

*Bonus: The next day you wake up to a steal grip and can barely get out of. So, what do you do? Simple. Call Kelly. She'll come in and gladly free you by hitting John as hard as she in the head. You slip out making a break for the bathroom listening to John shout at Kelly and she shout back. You hold your hand over your mouth giggling the whole time listening to them. When you hear Kelly leave you turn on the shower. John comes in slightly glaring at you and gets you back by joining you in the shower.


-she woke up with a jolt sweating a little

-makes sure you are still in her arms before relaxing

-looks at the ceiling while the nightmare replays

-she'll tighten her hold on you and kiss you exposed shoulder

-that causes you to wake up

-she'll apologizes

-when you ask about why she is up she doesn't answer right away

-you call her by her tag number which gets her to explain what happened

-after hearing it you nuzzle her telling her you won't be dying on her anytime soon

-it puts her at ease and you return to sleep

-Kelly will make sure that you are secure in her arms before trying to sleep

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