When they finally learn your past and how they react (Blue Team + Osiris)

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You where lounging in your room with your Spartan. You both had finished your work for the day and now you were enjoying time with one another. You where calmly resting with your eyes closed drifting to sleep.

"Hey, (y/n) ..." You Spartan called you.

"Yes?" You look at your Spartan attentively.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Sure. What is it?"

"I was wonder if I could know more about your past." You Spartan asked. You froze with memories returning. "Something wrong?"

"N—No, I should have told you from the start but even now I am still coming to terms with it." You said.

"How so?"

"I had a lot of trouble going on back with my family when I was younger. Dad was drinking, and mom was dating other men. When I was in my late teens to early adult hood my childhood friend Camila would take me out at nights to watch these illegal street racers. Her brother was one of them at the time. He caught us all about cars; how to fix them, how to sup them up, everything you could do with a car. When I and Camila learned how to drive we started racing. Camila was in to live up to her brother. I was in it to escape from what was going on at home. They called us the "Racing She-Devils". My racing name was Fury because I was always mad. Camila's was Spark because she was always that Spark that started something. We raced with some very old cars. I had a 1970s Dodge Charger named Inferno, and she had a 2001 Honda named Tigress. We won races back to back. I would win one, she would win one. Never got caught by the cops that later discovered we were racing in the area. But one night we won a race, she was first place I got second when one of the guys said the cops where coming. Everyone cleared out. We were racing out when one of the cops started shooting at our wheels. Camila's car got hit and spun out of control. She spun of the bridge. By the time they got the car out of the water she was dead. After I got her car back I spent months fixing it with Jimmy. Once I got it fixed I never raced again. I quit racing a joined the UNSC and here I am now." You explain to your Spartan.

Their reaction:

Master Chief/John-117 

-he is shocked

-asks who Jimmy is

-understands that it's not something you like talking about

-when you excuse yourself, he worries

-after about ten minutes he goes to find you

-when he can't find you asks Roland

-Roland directs him to the observation deck

-by the time he gets there you're done crying

-holds you close to his chest


-takes you back to your room

-lay in a comfortable silence



-asks about Jimmy

-asks what it was like to race like that

-when you excuse yourself, she gets very worried

-goes looking for you two minutes later

-finds you by the track crying

-realizes she was being an idiot and apologizes for it

-hugs and kisses you

-takes you back to your room

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