How you sleep (Blue Team + Osiris)

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Master Chief

- kisses you good night on the crown of your head

-He was a little awkward at first

-Soon grown accustom to you sleeping the same bed as him

-likes to have his arms wrapped tightly around you so he knows you're safe

-Always keeps your head tucked under his chin

-when you need to use the bathroom in during the night it's hard to escape his hold

-if you manage to sneak out of his hold and he doesn't wake up you have a hidden talent

-if you sneak out of his hold, and he wakes up; well your screwed because he's thinks something is going on

-If that happens you need to calm him down saying you need to use the restroom

-Sometimes you have to drag him to bed because he says that he doesn't need to sleep

-once he finally complies to at least laying down in bed with you he'll spend the entire night watching you sleep, finds the sight of you sleeping relaxing

-has a habit of squeezing you during a bad dream


-kisses you good night on the crown of your head

-She is like the Queen of cuddles when it comes to sleeping in the same bed as you

-prefers to sleep holding your back to her chest using the crock of you neck as a pillow

-refuses to let you leave her hold when you need to get up for the bathroom or Lasky really needs you to do something

-no seriously to have jab her in the side with you elbow because she won't let you go

-as a habit of staying up late because of nightmares

-won't admit she's scared but you can tell it gets to her

-most of the time will stay up to watch you sleep because she thinks you'll disappear on her

-has a habit of stroking your hair until she finally falls asleep

-when she has a bad dream, you'll wake to feel her grip around you tighten and you see her eyes squint


-kisses you good night on the crown of your head

-He was okay sleeping in the same bed as you

-took him a while to hold you because he was sure that he would injure you

-when he finally holds you, he makes sure that you are comfortable

-likes to have you head close to his heart

-has a strong hold on you once he is a sleep

-getting out of his hold to use the bathroom is hard

-It's like being trapped in between two steel beams

-sometimes when the mood to use the bathroom strikes you he is fully awake

-That would mean he lets you go

Halo X Reader (Discontinued and Adopted)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora