How hang out now (Blue Team + Osiris)

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Master Chief

-spend time at the observation deck

-watch him train with his team


-introduce him to old historical earth movies like "Lincoln"

-when you both watched "Miracle at Dunkirk" he enjoyed it

-you were surprised that he watched the whole movie thinking he had STSD

-Listening to him tell stories about the Spartan 2 boot-camp

-getting to know the rest of Blue Team

-getting teased by Kelly

-listening to him rant about Kelly sassing him

-tires spend time with you as much as he can because he knows that his missions will take away a lot of time

-takes you to a secluded area just to kiss you

-when you spend time in your room you are on his lap reading while he is hugging you from behind

-you are now full in charge of teaching him how to be a normal human

-still helps you find Kean


-watching her run and timing her

-sometimes you'll be walking along the track with her running by you

-tries to get you to race with her, fails


-her spoiling you with chocolate

-getting to know the rest of Blue Team

-sassing Chief with her

-likes to nap with you

-more cuddles

-likes to ask you about past dreams of yours

-tells you about the Spartan 2 boot camp

-you try not to vent to her about Harry because she has already attempted murder on him

-CUDDLES + Disney movies

-surprise hugs from behind when you're alone

-still helps you find Kean


-gets a habit of brushing his fingers through your hair

-break time cuddles

-finds a restricted area to have lunch at

-kisses the side of your head

-holds your hand when you're walking

-Kean becomes a third wheel

-getting to know the rest of Blue Team

-you get him to watch "Miracle at Dunkirk"

-he loves that movie and likes to talk about it

-you admit to him that he surprised by watching the whole movie

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