Fatherhood (Part 2)

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Josh was exhausted. While he made his way to his parents' house he debated texting and telling them he was going to be working late in favor of taking a nap at his apartment for an hour. It was only six thirty and he knew his parents wouldn't mind watching her longer. Unfortunately, he had responsibilities he knew he had to deal with. Besides, he wanted to see his daughter. It was always his favorite part of every day.

Once he arrived and got out of his car, he bounded the steps and opened the door without even knocking. He never did.



Jade ran towards him and leapt into his arms, prompting him to pick her up and hold her against his side. She was tiny for a five year old. Tinier than most kids her age. The doctor said she was fine so Josh basked in the positive parts of it like how light she was to hold. "I missed you," she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"I missed you more," he rubbed his cheek against hers causing Jade to giggle.

"Daddy, stop," she laughed. "Your face is scruffy."

Josh looked at her and began tickling her with his free hand, making her cackle ever louder. "What did you say about my face?"

"It's," cackle. "Scruffy!"

Josh stopped and kissed her forehead, setting her down on the ground. "Yes it is and I'm never ever shaving it just so I can freak you out."

"Liar! You'll shave it cause you'll get annoyed by it," she stuck her tongue out at him.

"You're so damn smart," he sighed happily, patting her back. "Alright I'm gonna go talk to Grandma real quick can you get your stuff ready?"

"Yup!" She ran over to her Paw Patrol backpack and began taking books off the couch and shoving them in.

"Mom?" Josh called, walking out of the room.

"In here, honey," a voice replied.

Josh entered his old kitchen and saw his mom and little sister Abbie cleaning up dinner plates. "Hey, Abs," he ruffled her hair and she smacked his hand away with a groan.

"Why do you always feel the need to ruffle my hair? I get you're a dad but seriously," she mumbled.

"I'm gonna start wearing socks and sandals and making bad jokes just to spite you," Josh teased.

"Please don't."

Josh just laughed and began helping them bring dishes over. "How was your day, sweetheart?" His mom asked.

"Tiring. I'm used to it. But tiring."

"If you want to bring her over tomorrow and rest you can," Laura offered. "Everyone deserves a break sometimes. You especially. You have college, a job, and a kid."

"I'm okay, Mom," he smiled weakly. "Thanks, though. Tomorrow's a "snuggle day,"' he laughed using invisible air quotes.

"I'm excited for our snuggle day!" Jade yelled from the living room causing the three Duns to look at one another and laugh.

"Are you eavesdropping, Jade?" Josh called.

"No..." she paused. "What does that mean? If it means listening to a conversation I'm not a part of then yes. Yes I was."

"Oh my God," Josh rolled his eyes but there was a smile on his face. "We're gonna head out but I'll call you, Mom. Bye, Abs," he began walking towards the living room.

"Bye, loser," Abbie replied but Josh could hear the smile in her voice.

"Bye, you two. Drive safe!" His mom called.

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