New Perspective

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Just watched Jennifer's Body for the first time and it was fucking weird. So here's a oneshot loosely based off of the concept with a better ending.

If you have not seen the movie: warning for blood, gore, cannibalism (does it count as that if they aren't entirely human?), and all that jazz.

The male version of the demon in the movie (from what I've researched) mainly just sleeps with girls and doesn't have ulterior motives but for plot purposes we're gonna pretend it's the same as the one in the movie so that similar occurrences as the movie can take place :)

Tyler and Josh had been best friends since the womb— literally. Their moms had been in the same New Mommies class and became fast friends, resulting in their sons becoming even closer as they grew up.

Over time, they experienced all the things that where inevitably experienced as they grew up. They started kindergarten together, they went through being put in separate classes for the first time together, they went through middle school together, puberty together, heartbreak together, happiness together, everything. Together.

Also as expected, as they grew up they developed their own interests that were different from each other's. Tyler got into music and writing and poetry and reading while Josh got into football and partying and girls. Tyler noticed he really liked girls.

Tyler liked boys. Not many people knew that though. Josh did. They knew everything about each other and despite being so different they knew each other better than themselves.

Maybe that's why when Josh came up to Tyler at his locker he knew exactly what he was going to say.

"No, Josh, I'm not going out with you tonight," Tyler said before Josh could even open his mouth, putting a binder in his locker.

"Damn, sweetheart. Don't even give me a chance to talk," Josh clicked his tongue, moving a red curl out of his face. On top of hooking up with a plethora of girls at their school and being one of the best football players their school has, Josh had dyed bright red hair, a nose ring, and plugs in his ear lobes. He practically screamed "I want attention!"

"I know what you're gonna say before you even say it," Tyler reminded. "And instead of you wasting your breath, I'm informing you that I have a Spanish test tomorrow that I really gotta study for."

"Don't be a fucking nerd, Ty," Josh groaned, throwing his head back. "You never do what I wanna do," he pouted. "I just wanna have fun with my best friend."

Tyler sighed, guilt filling his body. "What are we doing?"

Josh grinned widely. "We're gonna go see a band play."

"A band? What band?"

"Their name is Hopeless Sinners. Super underground. I stalked their socials. The singer chick's super hot. Like I wanna get fucked tonight hot."

Tyler shut his locker and raised an eyebrow. "So you're forcing me to tag along with you just so I can third wheel?"

"I am not forcing you into anything," Josh told him. "Am I holding you hostage at gunpoint? No. You should want to spend time with me regardless we..."

Tyler started to tune Josh out as he saw the guy he liked so badly walk past him. His name was Dallon and they sat next to each other in creative writing. He was a really, really good writer and Tyler found that so hot.

Dallon saw Tyler and smiled, waving. "Hey, Tyler," he called.

Tyler blushed a light shade of pink. "Hi, Dallon," he waved back.

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