Chapter 10

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C H A P T E R - T E N ▶ S T A R T

Jinye's week passed by rather quickly and she can't believe it's tuesday again.

She was wearing red and as she walked through the halls of the school with Jeongwoo, she heard murmurs maybe asking what her name was or "Who's that girl Jeongwoo's with?"

"I thought you followed her on instagram?"

"She's Ha Jinye."

"Her name's familiar."

"Yeah. She's the sister of Ha Yoonbin."

"She's a girl from my class. Very quiet and only talks to Jeongwoo most of the time."

"I got to say, her clothes are amazing!"

"I can't believe I haven't noticed her before. She's pretty!"

"Look at you getting fans, ey~" Jeongwoo poked her side and she held his arm tightly. "Shut up." Jinye rolled her eyes, crossing her arms.

She hurriedly walked to where her locker was. "Why are you getting shy about it?" He asked Jinye, who was as red as her jacket. "I don't like receiving this much attention." She said honestly.

"It's okay! Don't worry, if it gets out of hand, I'll get them for you!" He put his hand up and she highfived him. "Come on! Let's get to class." He dragged her after she took all of her things.


"Hey, look." Keita repeatedly tapped Haruto's shoulder. Haruto looked to where Keita was pointing and he swore he just saw an angel enter the classroom.

He looked like his eyes were forming hearts and they were shining.

Jinye felt something from her peripheral vision then turned to look. Once she made eye contact with Haruto, the boy turned red as a tomato which made Keita stiffle a laugh.

She furrowed her eyebrows then went to her usual seat, beside Jeongwoo.

"Hello, Jeongwoo! Hi, Jinye!" Jihoon greeted them and they both greeted back. "You look pretty today, Jinye." He complimented with a smile. "Thank you." She thanked him, feeling shy.

"She isn't used to compliments." Jeongwoo mouthed to Jihoon. "Ah. I see." He mouthed back.

"Doesn't she look good?" Her bestfriend was already sort of bragging about her. She rolled her eyes and took out her notebook to get ready for their History class.

"Yeah. She's very pretty." Jihoon nods and Jeongwoo says, "You hear that, Jinye? Someone thinks you're pretty!" Jinye buried her face into her jacket, "S-Shut up!"

"Cute." Haruto muttered and Keita laughed, "You say that all the time."

aaaaahhhh i really hope i can finish this book cos this might be quite long the last time i had a book like this,, i unpublished it sigh i hope i wont get to unpublish this ajsjsjs i really like this book and i hope you do too <3 also i feel this chapter was shit

[DISCONTINUED] hurray ➵ watanabe harutoWhere stories live. Discover now