Chapter 34

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The others looked confused except Yoshinori who already knew Jongseob.

"Hello." He awkwardly enters just like Junghwan earlier. "Guys, this is my long-time friend back in my hometown, Jongseob." Jinye introduces him, a wide happy smile on her face.

"Hello!" He says again and the others greet him back, saying their own names. "You had more friends than I imagined." Haruto tells her, laughing a bit and she hits his arm, feeling offended.

"Since we're all complete, let's get going!" Jeongwoo says and they all go out of the house.

"But, how are we gonna start the car if we don't have the key?" Junghwan asks Jeongwoo who just winks in response, "I got this."

Jeongwoo takes a flower pot, flipping it upside down and opens a small hatch taking a small container from inside which reveals a key.

The others widened their eyes.

"How'd you know about this?" Jinye asks him, amazed. "Saw him the other day. And he's sleeping right now, he won't even notice his car is gone." Jeongwoo reassures the others who exchanged worried glances.

"Don't worry! Let's go!" He tosses the keys to Jihoon who almost didn't catch it. "You drive." Jeongwoo tells the older. "But, I don't have my license yet!" Jihoon reasons out. "You're of legal age." The younger boy says, shrugging. They all get into the car with Jihoon driving.

"Where we off to first?" He asks them, looking into the mirror above. "Grocery!" The boys from Japan simultaneously say, coincidentally. They laugh and Jihoon continues driving.

"Hey, how'd you meet Jongseob? Tell us." Mashiho asks Jinye who was clinging onto Jongseob like a koala. "I'll just tell all the stories how I met all of you!" She sits up straight and clasps her hands together, smiling wide.

And Haruto swore, there were really stars in her eyes.

"The longest friends I've had in this car right now are Jongseob and Jeongwoo." She starts off. "Jongseob was my friend waaaaaay back in kindergarten. He talked to me on my first day when no kid would EVER. Not even Jeongwoo!" She snickers and Jeongwoo laughs.

"In my defense, I did not know anyone back then!" He laughs again and Jongseob says, "So, did I!" Mashiho giggles, It was such a sight to see bestfriends bickering.

"As I was saying," Jinye cuts the both of them off before they start to fight. "So, that's where it started! We just became friends there. Then, Yoonbin and I moved to Seoul. Jongseob cried so much!" She teases him and he turns red, crossing his arms.

"For the record, I didn't know why would I miss your ungrateful ass anyway." She hits him on his arm, "Hey!"

"Then when we moved here, Jeongwoo did too and I didn't know that back then. So on my first day in middle school, we were seatmates." She pauses.

It was awkward for me since I don't like talking ever since I was little, but since Mr. Park over here kept shouting in my ear the whole day! I decided to talk to him." Jinye shots him a sarcastic smile and said boy rubs his nape.

"Then! I met Junghwan! He was so shy like me tho. We usually talked 5-10 words to each other a day. But after a project at school in Music where we had to dance, we kinda became close to each other." Junghwan nods, acknowledging what she said.

"After that, I met Yoshi!" Yoshinori waves from the front seat. "Yoonbin and I went to have a vacation in Japan and I met Yoshi there in a cafe because his clumsy ass spilt his coffee on my favorite shirt!" She grumbles, glaring at him through the mirror.

"Dude, you were too short back then. I didn't see you." He reasons out and they all laugh except the girl who was angry, still glaring at him.

"After Yoshi, I met Jihoon through Jeongwoo. He kept talking to me everyday even when we weren't close, so yeah I don't know how we became friends." She shrugs. "It's because I'm awesome and I'm funny and handsome!" Jihoon says from the driver seat and she snickers again.

"Then I met Haruto, but I became friends with Mashiho first because he sent me a text, needing my math notes." She chuckles and Mashiho pats her back, "It helped tho! I passed the exam!"

"Then after Haruto and I finished our pair project, we're sorta friends now." She ends her backstory with a shrug.

"Guys, we're here now!" Jihoon pulls up into an empty parking space. "So, who's paying?" They exchanged nervouse glances and Jinye smirked,

"Dibs, not it!"

And followed others saying the same thing except one, who was late on catching up.

" Ugh, honestly fuck all of you. "

pls dont leave me bad comments it scares me and doesnt motivate me to write the book akdksksjsj im a fragile person i easily get hurt and i dont take criticism well im sorry

plus, i get anxiety attacks more frequently now almost everyday so yeah im trying my best for the book tho, im sorry again!


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