Chapter 28

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C H A P T E R - T W E N T Y E I G H T ▶ S T A R T

Jinye exits her chat with her brother and rolls her eyes, "I have to go. I'll see you at school and please don't destroy the project." She tells him anxiously and Haruto chuckles, "I won't. I promise."

She turns to go the other way, walking fast to her house. She was honestly confused. What was Yoonbin so mad about? She asked herself. Even though she was annoyed, she started to run because Yoonbin is scary when he's mad.

"I'm home." She opens the door and gets in to meet her brother on the couch looking anxious. "Where have you been?" He asked, standing up. His voice was laced with anger and nervousness.

"I told you. I was at Haruto's." She tells him, rolling her eyes. "Don't you roll your eyes at me!" He shouted and she was taken aback because she visibly flinched.

She furrowed her eyebrows, "What the fuck are you getting mad at me for?"

"First, you went out of the house without bothering to tell me. Second, you said it was for a damn project, but you went out to get ice cream with that boy instead. And third, you just rolled your eyes at me and cursed at me! I have every right to get mad!"

Yoonbin's voice didn't stutter at all. He pointed at her every time he accented a syllable and his veins were already popping out in his neck.

"What the fuck?" Jinye says irritated by his attitude.

"I fucking told you days ago. Heck, I even reminded you yesterday that I will go to his house today. But you know why you didn't remember? Because you were all too busy trying to convince mom and dad to come home! You were too busy with other people that you don't even pay attention to your damn sister!" She responded to him with the same energy he accused her of earlier.


"I'm not yet done."

"When will it go to your head that they won't come back? Yes, they are working there to give us money, but that's just because they don't want to see our fucking faces and they use work as an excuse, you hear me?" She inhales deeply then exhales an exasperated sigh.

Yoonbin's face fell.

"You think I don't know? You think I don't hear you bawling infront of your laptop screen while videocalling them? You think I don't see your phone when you just leave it open laying around?" She asks him, her voice spitting out facts.

"And I don't see what's so wrong with going out for ice cream with a friend. I do that all the time with Jeongwoo, Jongseob, and Yoshinori. Jihoon too. So, what's wrong with Haruto?" She asks, walking closer to him while squinting her eyes.

"Because," Yoonbin's voice trailed after. "Because what!" She shouted.

"Because I don't want you to get hurt, okay?" He says, his voice soft. Jinye's brows stopped furrowing but, she was still confused. "What do you mean?" She asks, crossing her arms.

"There are things I know about Haruto. I was basketball team captain during middle school remember? He was apart of the team then. He likes insulting people intentionally. He likes breaking girls' hearts. And he is too full of himself." Yoonbin says everything as if it was a rap, but Jinye heard it all very clearly.

"But, you don't know him anymore! You're not friends with him so how are you saying all of these? It's even in present all your saying, but that happened in the past! You don't know him now." She tells him and he shakes his head.

"And you do?" He asks her. She chuckled, "Clearly, more than you do."

"And I'm better than this! You think I'd fall for a bad boy like him? I'm not the type to even have feelings in everything, Yoonbin. I'm like a fucking robot. I do reckless things because I know it won't affect me. Because feelings don't affect me what so ever." She tells him, but he waves his hand, dismissing whatever she had just said.

"And I've lived longer than you without our parents. It hurts, I know. So, I want us to spend more time with them. I want you to spend more time with them before you become an adult. It's for your heart, Jinye." He explains to her and she snickered.

"It doesn't hurt anymore for me." She tells him and he shakes his head, "No! It does. It really hurts."

"You know why it doesn't hurt me anymore? Because I let go, Yoonbin. You need to accept that they are never coming back. Can't you see? The only reason they're probably giving us money is because of you!" She rubs her temples out of frustration.

"You're their favorite! They didn't want a daughter after a son, Yoonbin. And you're not doing this for my heart, you're doing this for your own sake! Because you think you can't live another day without seeing them! I get it you're attached, whatever."

"Because if they really loved us. If they really loved me, then they wouldn't try to fucking abort me! But karma hit them soon. And now, I have a heart disease which the treatment costs more than their attempt on abortion!" She continues saying all of this not out of anger but because he needed to accept the truth.

"I'm not angry at you, Yoonbin." She tells him, her voice much softer when she sees he looks like he's about to cry.

"I am not saying these out of anger, okay? I'm telling you all of these because you need to learn and accept the truth. You can't live your whole life clinging onto a fantasy." His back hunched at her words.

"Look, I'm tired. I had a rough day doing that damn solar system model. So, if you'll excuse me. I will go to sleep." She says calmly and walks away up to her room.

Yoonbin sits on a sofa. He cups his face and he sighs. His sister was right. He needed to accept the truth. And maybe, He thought. Maybe he shouldn't have gotten mad at her for being friends with Haruto.

Because she was right.

Heck, she's always right.

Yoonbin chuckles darkly and sighs. He takes his phone and opens his chat with his parents.

Don't come home anymore if you don't want to, it's useless. Jinye doesn't want this and maybe, neither do I. I've realized a few things and honestly, I was so stupid. Come home if you wanna, but don't ever expect we'll welcome you with open arms.

He sends the text. It took alot out of him to actually tell them that. He acknowledges everything he did.

And without knowing, tears flow out of his eyes and he starts becoming a crying mess on their sofa.

this was absolute shit! i just added the part about the parents bcos he was just supposed to get mad at the haruto reason but idk why i wrote this this was 1000+ words omg

also,, thank you for 5k reads! and for 300 followers omg im so pathetic icb this book is getting reads and icb im getting followers im-

im sorry if this was total shit

bcos your author is shit


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