Chapter 38

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C H A P T E R - T H I R T Y E I G H T ▶ S T A R T

Four days until Sports Fest and everyone was panicking, busy.

Well, except for a certain someone.

"Jih-" "Can't talk! Gotta blast!" Jihoon runs past Jinye, holding art materials.

Jinye pouts, walking to her classroom. She reaches the room and takes a seat where she usually is.

"Hello!" Her heart raced at the voice. It's been like this for a few days and she was not liking it. "Hey." She softly says and looks at the person sitting beside her.

"Why you here?" She asks, placing her chin on her palms. "Can't I sit here?" Haruto pouts. She shakes her head, not that he can't but because she didn't want him to.

"Yedam's sitting there." She tells him and he frowns, "But he isn't here." Her eyes travel anxiously, trying to find an excuse until they land on the doorway.

"Yeah, he is." She points her head to the door and calls Yedam who was talking to Keita. "Hmm?" Yedam raises his eyebrows, Keita following closely behind him. "Aren't you gonna sit on your usual seat?" She asks him, careful to not grit her teeth.

Yedam shakes his head and she mentally facepalms, "I'll sit with Keita at the back today!" He says, a hint of happiness in his voice and the two go to the back of the classroom.

She turns her head to face Haruto who was still frowning, "Are you trying to get rid of me?" He asks, acting like a baby. She shakes her head. Fucking heart. "Fine, whatever. You can sit there." She rolls her eyes.

Fucking feelings.


"Jinye!" Haruto calls out the girl who was hurriedly walking out the classroom. She curses under her breath and turns around. I'd have to avoid him to make sure my feelings don't get out of hand. She decided earlier that morning, but he kept bothering her.

And she knew, these feelings won't leave anytime soon.

"Hmm?" She stands on her tiptoes then stands normally. "You wanna have lunch with me?" Haruto asks, walking closer to her. "I'm having lunch with Jeongwoo." She says her usual excuse to everything, Jeongwoo.

"But, doesn't he have a meeting? You're welcome to join me and my friends for lunch tho!" Haruto tells her and she purses her lips into a thin line, trying her best to make an excuse.

"Yeah, I forgot he has a meeting. Oh, well, I gotta go! Bye!" Jinye hurriedly says, waving him off and runs to the Student Council room.

"Wha- oh okay, bye." Haruto says, disappointed, turning around to go the the cafeteria.


Jinye knocks on the door to the Student Council room and she hears a voice that says, "Come in."

She opens the door and politely bows to the student council members. "Hello!" Byounggon, the president greeted her while holding a folder full of files.

"Here to see Jihoon?" Doyoung peeps from one of the cubicles in the office. "Euhm hmm!" Jinye nods and Doyoung calls for him, "Jihoon!"

Jihoon comes out from a part of the room, holding a can of energy drink and greets Jinye before taking a seat.

"Aren't you guys gonna eat?" She asks them and they all say their own versions of saying, "No." Shuffling was heard and Midam rolled his eyes before shouting, "Hyunsuk! Stop getting from the funds!"

Hyunsuk's shoulders drop when he stands up from where he was hiding. "I just need an energy drink!" He yawns, pouting at Midam. "I have one in my bag. It's not that cold tho." Jinye grabs the only drink from her bag and hands it to Hyunsuk.

"Thanks!" He runs off to another part of the office, the sizzling sound of the energy drink could be heard as he opened the can.

"Helloooo!" Jihoon dragged the last syllable and waved his hands cutely at Jinye. He wasn't a member of the council, but he was friends with all of them so he occasionally came to help.

But that occasionally became always.

"Let me eat here pleaseeee!" Jinye whines and he hums, "As long as you brought food for me too." She sighs and nods, taking two lunchboxes out of her bag. One was for her and the other for Jeongwoo, but he had a meeting regarding soccer.

Jihoon opens the lunchbox she handed him and the others could smell and soon enough, they all huddled to the table asking Jihoon for a bite.

"Me first!" Doyoung pushes Hyunsuk away playfully. "No, me!" Yedam huffs and pushes the other two away. "Nah uh, Me!" Junkyu says sassily, then acts cute for Jihoon.

"First of, definitely not Junkyu." Jihoon cringes at Junkyu's aegyo and Jinye laughs. "I can make some for you guys for tomorrow." She quietly says and they turn their heads at her.

"Looks like we got a new member!" Byounggon claps and they follow after. "You the realest one here, Jinye!" Doyoung highfives her.

sorry to cut it here! i decided to split the chap into two >_<

also, congrats? i think we're almost halfway through the book! this will probs be finished before ygnbg debuts owo

i hope they debut on my birthmonth ngl

[DISCONTINUED] hurray ➵ watanabe harutoWhere stories live. Discover now