Chapter 20

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C H A P T E R - T W E N T Y ▶ S T A R T


Jinye wakes up, stretching her arms then yawns.

Her phone makes a sound, indicating she just got a text. She groans, "God, it's too early. Who the heck is texting at this hour?"

Yoshinori, an acquaintance of hers, just texted her wanting to borrow a tie since his dog chewed up his.

They met in Japan when Jinye and Yoonbin were on a vacation on summer then coincidentally, Yoshinori was going to school in Korea.

"Yoonbin! I'm gonna take a bath!" Jinye tells him and he runs up to her, pushing her away. "Me first!" He yells and gets inside the bathroom.

She rolls her eyes and gets her uniform ready instead, placing it on her bed. She takes a bowtie and puts it beside her uniform. She was getting tired of the necktie since she couldn't tie it properly.

"I'm done." Yoonbin comes out from the shower after a few minutes. "Took you long enough." Jinye snickers and goes into the bathroom next.

After a while, they both go to school together with Jinye having an extra blue tie in her backpack.

"Tell Yoshinori to return that after class, okay?" Yoonbin tells her and she nods, "I know. I told him already."

"Bye!" Jinye waves him off. "Where are you going?" He asks her. "Cafeteria. God, I need to give the tie." She rolls her eyes and he laughs.

Jinye enters the cafeteria, it was still early in the morning and most students there weren't eating,, just hanging out.

She scans the cafeteria to find Yoshinori, squinting her eyes because god, where the heck did her glasses go.

She runs up to the table where he was with his friends, regretting it in the process. His friends look at her while she maintains a poker face.

"What are you doing here?" Yoshinori asks her and she scoffs, "Do you want the tie or not?" He mentally slaps himself for forgetting and takes the tie from her.

"Thanks!" He pats her head which earns another scoff from her. "Return that after class or Yoonbin's gonna kill you." "Your brother had always scared me."

She looks at the other side of the table and spots Haruto, who was spacing out, shocked or whatever, she doesn't know.

"Oh? You're well now?" Her words seemed to process into his head. "Huh, what? Uh, y-yeah, uh. I guess." He stammered and the other guys tried to stiffle their laughs.

Which, didn't go well.

Mahiro was the first one to laugh and the others followed which resulted in Haruto turning as red as a strawberry.

Jinye's lips curve up into a small smile and she laughs a little bit, "Good that you're well."

so can anyone give me tips on losing weight pLS

also uh, we're already at 2k omg akdjdnsn does anyone want a q&a session since other authors do this i wanna try to uwu like i'll post a part where u could drop me questions and i'll answer it on another part

but nvm no one's interested in me :((

[DISCONTINUED] hurray ➵ watanabe harutoWhere stories live. Discover now