Chapter 37

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C H A P T E R - T H I R T Y S E V E N ▶ S T A R T

"Where we off to?" Yoshinori asks, closing the door into the passenger seat. "Donuts! Donuts!" The youngest people from the back chant aka Junghwan, Jongseob, and Jinye.

"Donuts! Donuts! Donuts!" The others all soon join to chant and Jihoon sighs, "Who has to pay?" Jinye laughs, more like an evil cackle, "No one does."

They turn to look at her with confusion written all over their faces.

She smiles mischievously and says,

" I brought Yoonbin's card. "


"Oh my god! I want that!"

"No, that instead!"

"Wait, that tastes good too!"

"No, that one!"

"How about this?"

They all had their different opinions when they entered the donut shop, shouting whatever they wanted even if they weren't the only customers in the middle of the night.

"Shut up." Jinye hissed under her breath and orders Jeongwoo to order the donuts for them who groans but still did it anyway.

The others went back to the car, playing games or chatting while waiting for Jeongwoo.

"I was really craving donuts." Yoshinori mutters, rubbing his stomach. "Me too!" Junghwan says, jumping from his seat and the others agree too, talking about their own favorite flavors.

"The fuck is taking him so long?" Haruto groans, crossing his arms. He was getting really hungry. "There's still food in the back." Mashiho tells the younger, not bothering to look at him because he was playing a game on his phone.

"Hello!" Jeongwoo gets in the car, a wide smile on his face. He was carrying 4 boxes of donuts and some of them widened their eyes. "Can we finish this?" Haruto asked, even though he was the hungriest.

"Of course! With Jinye here, four isn't even enough!" Jeongwoo insults her and she glares at him, throwing her empty pack of food.

About 20 minutes later, they arrive back home.

"Okay, make sure you leave nothing here." Jihoon tells them and they get out first, taking all their stuff including the food. He carefully parks the car and puts the keys in the same pot of flower they found it.

"Mr. Kang won't even suspect a thing." Jeongwoo mutters, snickering while holding bags of the food from the convenience store earlier. "He better not." Jinye hisses at him and he rolls his eyes, hissing back at her.

"We're home! Fucking finally!" She opens the door to their house and Yoonbin comes running downstairs, "I've been waiting for an hour!" He comes to check the plastic bags and tells them to put the ice cream in the freezer.

"You bought donuts? Don't you need my gift card for that?" He doubts her, looking into her direction while squinting his eyes. "Oh, I know." She gets the card from her pocket and he widens his eyes, immediately taking it from her.

"Chill, dude. It was like only four boxes." She rolls her eyes and plops herself on the sofa. They start eating and talking about anything, from their school life to how their dogs shit in their shoes.

Jongseob had a finger full of icing and he looked at Jeongwoo who mouthed, "Do it." with a mischievous smile.

"Jongseob, you little shit!" Jinye growls at said boy who put icing on her face. Jongseob laughs and runs away when he saw her glaring at him.

She takes icing from a donut and runs around the house, running after him. "Oops." Mashiho mutters as he also put some on Yoshinori. "Oops my ass." He grumbles and puts icing on Haruto.

"The fuck?" Haruto glares at Yoshinori who raised his arms, "Mashiho did it to me first!"

Haruto gets a handful of icing and goes closer to Yoshinori, but takes a detour and places it on Jeongwoo's face instead. They all laugh including Jinye who had came back from murdering a donut just to put frosting on Jongseob's face.

"Haruto!" Jeongwoo wipes some off from his face and instead of getting back at Haruto, he dumped it onto Junghwan's face instead who stopped laughing.

"Hey!" Junghwan whines, getting a donut instead of just icing. He takes a bite then places it onto Yoonbin's face. "Oh, it's on." Yoonbin glares at them and they start a small food fight with icing.


"So, we just wasted a box of donuts." Jinye laughs, lying down, face flat on the floor. "Atleast, it didn't get to my glasses." She mutters, but Haruto heard it clearly.

He smiles sheepishly and takes some icing off his face, rubbing it onto her and a little bit on her glasses.

She's fuming with anger and they laugh while she tackles him, tickling him in the process. "Oh my god, stop it! Ha hahaha hA sTop it! skdjsjsjs i said STop." Haruto giggles, unable to escape from her tight grip.

She lets him go and crosses her arms, kicking his leg. "Ow!" He playfully glares at her and she scoffs, "Meanie."

They washed the icing off from their faces and the night passed rather by quickly, full of laughter and fun.

i think i did well on my exams earlier! i hope to do well tomorrow too sksjsjs sorry if this chap was shitty just like ur author hhhh

babye gtg

[DISCONTINUED] hurray ➵ watanabe harutoWhere stories live. Discover now