Chapter 31

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C H A P T E R - T H I R T Y O N E ▶ S T A R T

Jinye sighed as she stuffed her things inside her bag, not caring whether they were organized or not.

It's another day of school ending already and she doesn't know what to do because Jeongwoo has soccer practice, Yoshinori and Haruto have basketball while Yoonbin was also busy that week because of preparations for the fest's design and decorations.

"But, it's not in three weeks!" She whined when he told her he was going to be busy. "I know. The different clubs and organizations need to prepare everything. Lucky you, you didn't join a club." He sighs, shaking his head.

"Ish, what am I supposed to do now?!" She whined again, stomping her feet like a little baby. I don't know! Hang out with a friend, I guess." He shrugs, frustration evident on his face he was getting very stressed.

"But-" "Not my fault you don't have much friends."

She rolled her eyes, trying to think of a comeback. "Oof, gotta blast!" He checked his phone and ran away.

She rolled her eyes again from that memory. Now, she was really regretting not having much friends.

Jinye hums as she walks through the empty hallway, because students were either in different rooms preparing for the fest or they were practicing in the school's gym.

She fished her phone out of her pocket and checked her contacts. "Urgh." She groans as she realized her contacts were the people very busy at the moment.



She quickly dials his number and he answers a few rings after. "Sorry, Jinye! Can't talk right now. I'm quite busy!" He ends the call, rustling heard in the background and she sighed again.

"Mashiho?" She mutters, "Nah. He probably has practice." She shrugs and her shoulders slumped.

And as if the gods heard her prayers, she receives a text.

bitch u free rn

im gonna ignore the fact that you called me bitch because i badly need a companion rn

u r still at school arent you oOF omw!!

Jinye furrowed her eyebrows in confusion as to why would he know in where part of the school she was at that moment. "Boo!" She let out a loud shriek and covered her mouth immediately.

"Haha, you should've looked at your face!" Mashiho laughs and she rolls her eyes then clutches chest, "Do you want me to die?" He chuckles, "I don't, but maybe you do."

"I thought you have basketball practice?" She asks him, turning her head as they start walking to god knows where. "Coach told me to lay off a bit this week. My foot's still not that well." He explains, shrugging after.

"Then, why are you still at school?" She asked. "Coach didn't tell me that I can't watch them practice." he shrugs again and smiles sheepishly. Then she realizes,

He brought her to the gym.

"Hello!" Mashiho shouts, catching his teammates' attention. They wave at him. "Jinye!" Yoshinori exclaims, running up to her and hugging the life out of her. "Ouch! Too tight." She pats his back and he lets go, apologizing.

"Ehem." Mashiho fake coughs and Yoshinori rolls his eyes, "OH, didn't see you there."

"We're the same height." She tells her friends and Mashihoe nods, acknowledging what she said. "Spawns of satan." Yoshinori mutters as he walks away. "We heard that!" The small duo shouted.

They both go closer to the team's bench since they were taking a break.

"Nerd!" Haruto calls her, walking up to her. "Hey, bad boy." She playfully punches his arm and he laughs. "Great job on the presentation earlier." She tells him and he turns red, getting shy, "Ah, it's nothing."

"Oooh, is our giant baby getting shyyyy?" Mahiro cooed and the others joined making Haruto turned even redder. "Pfft." Jinye snickers and joins them in teasing him.

"Alright, boys!" The Coach blows his whistle and the team except Mashiho runs to the center of the court. "Are they starting now?" Jinye asks Mashiho and he hums, nodding.

The coach blows his whistle again and the team starts playing.

For some reason, Jinye couldn't take her eyes off of Haruto the whole game. "Wow, he's amazing." She says, barely a whisper but, Mashiho heard it. "Oh, you mean Haruto? Yeah, he's the youngest out of all but also the best."

Haruto aims to shoot a three-pointer, strangely, he feels someone looking at him. He looks to the side and he sees Jinye, watching. He smirks and winks, shooting the ball for a three-pointer.

"Okay, good game!" Their coach blows their whistle and they go to the bench, sweat dripping everywhere.

"So, how was I?" Haruto walks up to her. "Hmm, you did okay, I guess." she shrugs and he pouts. "Kidding! You did great!" A smile forms on his lips as she said that.

"What was that wink and smirk for?" She asks, handing him a water bottle. "Thanks." he mutters. "Nothing. Maybe I wanted to show off." He says smugly and she rolls her eyes, taking the water bottle and drinking from it.

Haruto widens his eyes and she raises her eyebrows, "What?" "Did you just drink from my water bottle?" He asks, eyes still widened. "Yeah, and what about it?" She says, drinking again.

"He's just shocked. It's his first indirect kiss with a girl." Mashiho says from behind and Jinye laughs. "Seriously? Out of all the girls chasing you in middle school, you really haven't kissed anyone? Direct or indirect?" She laughs and he slightly felt offended.

"Was saving it for you tho." Haruto says and silently thanks the gods for Jinye's poor hearing. "Huh?" He shakes his head, "It's nothing." "I heard that." Mashiho mouths from the back and Haruto squints his eyes, telling him to shut up.

"And besides, I drink from my friends' bottles anytime. What's weird with that?" She asks. "Uh, nothing I guess." He shrugs. So, I wasn't your first.

"Are you gonna watch the whole practice?" He asks her and she nods, "Maybe. I'm gonna hangout with Mashiho." Haruto pursed his lips into a thin line and nodded.

The coach blowed his whistle and the team went back to the center of the gym.

"Guess I gotta go." Haruto rubbed the back of his neck and stretched his arms out wide. Jinye tilted her head to the side, "Oh!" She exclaimed when she realized that he wanted a hug.

"Ew, you're so sweaty." Jinye says when some of his sweat stuck to her. "Mr. Watanabe!" Haruto flinched at the mention of his name. "Y-Yes, sir!" He let go of her and ran to the middle of the court. The others laughed while he turned as red as a tomato.

Jinye laughed then rolled her eyes. "Let's go for games later?" Mashiho asked her and she nods, "I'm down for it."

probs my last update for the week ajdjsjsj i have exams next week so i probs wont be updating idk i'll try another one then delete the app for the week even tho i hate school i cant fail :(( sorryyy

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