Chapter 2 - Home

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Karson quietly observed his surroundings the rest of the trip, and took note of the location when they arrived. The Companion shadowed Rachel through the complex to her second floor unit, and was surprised again when she held the door open for him to enter first.

"After you," she said.

He nodded and entered into her living room. He stood just inside the doorway and waited for the next instruction. He clutched the bag in one hand and held the other behind his back. Rachel held her own bag, which forcefully reminded her of the incidents earlier that day. Her detour to the adoption agency temporarily put it out of her mind, but it all flooded back as she stared at the bag. She moodily flung it onto the couch and walked into the kitchen just off the living room space. She filled a glass with water and reached for aspirin in one of the cupboards.

Rachel noticed Karson had not moved.

"Karson? Do you want some water or something?"

He nodded.

"Yes, ma'am- err yes, please Rachel."

She filled another glass and took it to him.

He gladly accepted the drink, but the narrow glass proved difficult for the shape of his muzzle.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't realize..."

The Companion made no complaints but offered a suggestion.

"I can use a bowl if you have one?"

She blinked at him.

"Oh, of course, yeah. Let me get one."

She rummaged through another cabinet and poured the glass of water into a shallow bowl. Karson noticed that she looked embarrassed as she handed it to him. He thanked her and lapped the water for a moment, then handed back the bowl. She took it and looked at him. Rachel noticed that his muzzle was slightly longer and pointed compared to the other Companions she saw at the agency.

"Does that ever bother you?"

Karson looked at her confused.

"I do not understand, ma'am."

She held up the bowl.

"Having to drinking like this. Does it ever bother you?"

He looked at her, then at the bowl.

"I guess I never thought about it."

She looked at the bowl with disappointment.

"Well, tomorrow I'll try and find you a glass you can use, okay?"

He simply nodded at her and wondered why it was so important.

"Ah shoot! I guess I should start making a list of stuff you need."

Rachel constructed a mental tally as she looked for a pen and paper. After she jotted down glass for Karson and bed, she looked up and saw that he had not moved from his spot.

She made a motion toward the living room.

"Go ahead Karson, you can check the place out. This is your home now, too."

He bowed his head.

"Thank you."

He slowly wandered around the living room and took in all the details: the entertainment center with its display and rows of videodiscs; the shelves lined with photographs and assorted knickknacks; the large potted plant in the corner next to the couch; the coffee table littered with magazines, papers and several remotes.

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