Chapter 8 - Back to Work

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Karson was awake by the time Rachel rushed out of her room, and knew it would probably be best to stay out of her way. She poked her head into his room when she noticed him awake.

"Hi! I gotta run, but I left a paper on the table for you with all my info just in case. Help yourself to anything in the kitchen. Oh, and I'll be online during lunch around 12 if you want to hop on and say hi, 'kay?"

She came in, gave him a hug, and just as quickly left the room.

"I'll see you later!"

Karson heard the door locks click a few seconds later, and the apartment was suddenly very still and quiet.

Karson could not recall more than a handful of times in his life when he was left completely alone. Even when Kara was gone, he was left with either the Carlson's or their housekeepers. He had to admit it felt a little strange. The last time was when Kara left for a weekend vacation, prior to her move to the college dormitories.

The Carlson's were already out of town on a business/vacation trip and it was a holiday weekend. He had spent most of his time quietly reading during the day, and got lost in his own thoughts at night. Karson remembered being so happy to see Kara when she returned 3 days later, but it was a mixed happiness.

He discovered she planned to move away to college and leave him. The Companion was of course happy for her, but could not realize how much the move would impact his life. Before he knew it she was gone, and he was left in the care of her parents.

The Carlson's were nice, but they treated him like a temporary visiting house guest, not the Companion who was their daughter's best friend for the last 14 years. He tried not to show it, but her departure affected him deeply. Now, as he sat alone in Rachel's apartment, it was hard not to feel a twinge of that same sense of abandonment. Karson knew Rachel would be back in a few short hours, but the anxiety was always present at the edge of his awareness. He decided to try and relax, and read to occupy his mind.

He was over half way through the new book when his stomach reminded him of its needs. Glancing at the clock, he saw that it had not hit 12 yet and he had time to fix a meal before he got on the computer. He busied himself in the kitchen and ate a quickly fixed sandwich, before he returned to the computer desk.

Karson remembered everything Rachel had shown him and was logged on a moment later. Out of curiosity, he accessed the web mail he set up the previous day and discovered an email waiting for him. His tail wagged as he opened it and saw it was from Rachel.

"Hi, roommate!

Just thought I'd send you a quick note so you can make sure your email is working. You can reply to this if you like (and add it to your address book, you remember how to do that?).

Don't forget, I'll be on chat around 12. I hope to see you!

Bye for now,


He hit the reply button and typed a response. Since he was not used to the keyboard, he had to use the hunt-and-peck method. He basically said thank you and that the email worked fine. He pressed the send button as the computer clock hit 12pm. A few clicks later he had the chat program open and signed on.

Almost immediately the computer made a bonk! sound and a little window popped open. Karson saw it was Rachel.

"Hi Karson! How are you?"

He slowly responded.

"Fine, sorry, slow. Not used to typing."

They carried on their conversation and Rachel asked him about what he was doing, if everything was okay, if he needed anything, etc. He tried his best to keep up with the conversation, but before he finished his last answer she sent another message that said her lunch was over and would see him around 6pm. He watched as her status changed to "user offline," and again felt that twinge of anxiety.

He tried to take his mind off his unease and opened the browser. He searched for an online typing tutorial, and was soon lost in the exercises. Several lessons and a bathroom break later, he still typed slowly but no longer had to hunt for the right keys to press. From now on it would take practice, and he made a mental note to do just that. Karson decided to stop when he felt a shoulder cramp, and shut down the computer before he returned to his book.

He passed the rest of the afternoon reading, and nearly launched off his bed when he heard the door locks click open. He flung his book aside and ran into the living room as his tail wagged madly. Karson knew he should not be so excited, but he could not control his body and almost jumped at Rachel when she entered the door.

"Hey, Karson!"

She closed the door and tossed her purse on the coffee table, watching as the Companion visibly struggled to keep from grabbing her in a hug, his tail wagging rapidly.

"Hello Rachel! Welcome home!"

She eyed him for a second and then opened her arms, as it was quite obvious he wanted to hug her. He leaped into her arms and latched around her waist squeezing enthusiastically. She laughed in friendly amusement.

"Did you miss me?"

It took a second for her statement to filter through his brain. He quickly released his embrace and stood back, and his ears and tail suddenly drooped in embarrassment.

"Uh, yes, a little bit."

She giggled at his behavior.

"Cheer up kiddo, I'm home now."

He perked up a bit and his tail wagged again.

"I hope you weren't too bored today?"

"No, everything was fine. I started learning how to type."

"Oh, cool! Good for you. It will make it easier to chat and do email."

He nodded.

"I'm going to change, and then we'll see about some dinner."


Karson patiently waited for her on the couch.

Dinner was soon on the table and Rachel talked to him about the goings on at work as she babbled about deadlines and projects. He listened enthusiastically and she was glad for once to be able to blow off some steam about her job. After dinner, Karson joined Rachel as she watched some TV to unwind. All too quickly, Rachel yawned and the Companion wished the day were longer. A short time later they both prepared for bed and retired for the night.

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