Chapter 7 - Friends Return

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The next week saw Rachel fall into a routine of sorts. Since the visitor policy was different in the wing Karson was transferred to, she was only allowed to stay during the day and part of the evening. Rachel spent most of her time speaking softly to the Companion, either reading one of his favorite books aloud or telling stories from her past experiences. In the evening she went back home to sleep and bathe before she once again went to the hospital.

In a way, the one sided conversations helped her to open up even more than she previously had to the Companion. She had a chance to re-examine her choices and actions over the course of her life leading up to the present. Rachel smiled one afternoon as the realization came to her. Though Karson was unresponsive in his current state, he still provided the support she needed and she bowed her head in thanks to whatever cosmic force allowed them to end up together.

When the end of visiting hours arrived on Friday evening, Rachel sighed and gathered up her possessions one more time. She had read most of one of Karson's favorite romance stories to him and placed the book into the bag with reluctance. Placing a kiss on his brow and then on his lips, her fingers lingered as she stroked his cheek. Karson softly sighed and Rachel could not be certain if it was just a reflex since she did not notice him doing it previously.

She waited a moment longer but the Companion showed no other signs of movement. Rachel placed one last kiss on him.

"I'll be back soon Kuddles. I love you."

She departed the room and headed home.

Rachel found that the absence of Karson was so much of a distraction she could not sleep. After enduring several nights without him, she resorted to wrapping Romeo in one of the Companion's shirts and snuggled with him. The plush's soft fur combined with Karson's scent was just enough of a substitute to allow Rachel to fall asleep. She awoke the next morning squeezing the plush in her arms and sighing in bitter disappointment when reality reminded her that the real thing was miles away in a hospital bed.

Saturday morning arrived and Rachel was awakened by the phone ringing. She quickly bolted out of bed and grabbed the receiver before checking the number, thinking it might be the hospital. She was mildly disappointed but pleasantly surprised to hear Molly's voice.

"We're back! Hey Rachel, just thought we'd give you a call since we came back a few days early. Bobby says hello."

She could not help smiling when she heard his voice in the background ("Top o' the morning Rachel").

"I'm glad you're back, Molly. I hope your trip was nice."

"It was lovely and we have plenty of stories and pictures to share. How about dinner tonight? We'd love to see you two."

Rachel could feel the tears well up and wondered how she could break the news without falling to pieces.

"Molly, something happened. It's Karson, he..."

Rachel had to take a deep breath before she continued.

"It might be better to talk in person about it since I might lose it over the phone."

Molly's tone became instantly serious and full of concern.

"Of course Rachel, I can come over straight away."


They quickly ended the phone conversation and scarcely half an hour later Molly knocked on the door. Rachel admitted her and was surprised to see that Bobby was not with her. Molly instantly hugged Rachel.

"Tell me what happened."

Rachel recounted as best she could the incidents of Karson's attack. She also described some of her routine of visiting him in the hospital with details such as reading and talking to him. Molly quietly absorbed all the information and held Rachel's hand when she felt her friend needed encouragement.

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