Chapter 1 - Happiness

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Karson was in high spirits and it showed. He smoothly dodged around people and obstacles on his usual route to The Grinning Bulldog. The Companion was adept and graceful on his inline skates. During the four months commuting to the Bulldog, he learned several alternate routes, shortcuts, and every pitfall the sidewalk and streets had to offer.

Store employees often waved to him as he went sailing past regular as clockwork. He made a point to spin a pirouette past the large window of the beauty salon just a couple of blocks from the pub, much to the delight of several women and female Companions. Karson came to a stop just as his hand grasped the large handle of the front door of his destination.

The familiar bell tingled as he entered and took a seat at the first booth to get out of his skates. Molly waved her bar towel in greeting, but did not call out to him since she was engaged with another customer. He briefly waved back and trotted through the kitchen door to stash his skates and don his apron. When he emerged back into the common area, he walked right into the open arms of Molly.

"Good to see you, Kar."

She hugged him and planted a quick peck on his cheek.

"Hello Molly. How is everything today?"

She sighed but her smile remained.

"Bit of a slow one today, I'm afraid. But I'm sure you don't mind, just gives more time for you rogues to talk. Well, speak of the devil."

Bobby quickly locked the door to the upper floor and turned around. Upon seeing that his best friend in the world had arrived, his face broke into a huge grin.

"Hey! If it isn't Karson."

Molly laughed and muttered in Karson's ear.

"Just wait 'til this guy tells you what he's been up to."

Bobby hugged his friend and Karson grinned.

"Hello Bobby, I trust everything is well?"

"You could say that. Want to hear about it?"

"Of course I do, just remember I'm on duty."

Molly tapped him on the shoulder.

"I'll handle the bar, just keep an eye out if anyone comes along and takes a table."

"Of course, Molly, you can count on me."

She patted his cheek.

"I know I can."

With that, she shuffled back behind the bar and attended to the patrons watching the soccer game. Karson followed Bobby to his usual table. The Companions chatted about Bobby's blossoming microbrewery and the new concoctions under development.

"I'm telling you, I must have been a brewer in a previous life. Every new thing I try turns out magnificently and every month a new bar wants to carry my brew. At this rate, I'll be able to open my own brewery. Could you imagine?"

Karson smiled at his friend with admiration.

"I am really happy for you Bobby. Excuse me, a customer just came in."

Bobby nodded and let his friend attend to the new patron. He wondered if there was anything Karson was not good at. He watched his friend become the best server the bar had yet seen aside from Molly. The beagle grinned and sipped his drink as the answer to his question echoed in his mind: probably not.

The rest of the afternoon passed relatively quickly as a steady stream of patrons were either coming or going. Karson deftly kept everyone under his charge well attended, and more than once found a tip waiting for him as he cleared the empty tables. All his earnings went directly into his secret savings fund, and Karson kept a running mental tally. So far he had managed to earn approximately $740, minus the few expenses and occasional splurges from time to time. He could feel the moment approach to use his hard earned money to buy a ring for Rachel.

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