Chapter 5 - Tension

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Rachel and Karson got back to the apartment a few hours later. They passed more than one group of people gathered on a street corner holding homemade signs. Protesters from both sides of the issue shouted their views to everyone around.

Rachel seemed a little more at ease now that Karson was safely home. He took his suitcase to the second bedroom to unpack as she checked the messages. In particular, there was a message from Molly Becker. She had obviously heard the news story and was calling to check on them. She extended an invitation for the two to come to dinner at The Grinning Bulldog.

Rachel picked up the phone and dialed up Molly.

"Hello Bobby. Yes, I heard. No, Karson's just fine. How are you doing?"

Karson walked back in to the living room and listened to Rachel's conversation.

"That's good. Can I speak to Molly please? Thanks."

She turned to Karson.

"I'm just checking in with Molly."

Rachel walked over and put her arm around the Companion and squeezed him affectionately. Just then Molly picked up the phone.

"Hi Molly, I'm just returning your call. We're fine; I took Karson down to see my parents but we just got back. Yeah, I think dinner would be good, how about Tuesday? Okay, good, we can catch up then. I'm not sure, I think we'll just have to wait and see what develops. All right, you take care. We'll see you on Tuesday. Goodnight."

Rachel sighed and hung up the phone.

"Molly says hello, as well as Bobby. You should probably talk to Bobby tomorrow."

She walked back over and put the house phone on the receiver.

Karson heard her sniff while she had her back turned to him.

He walked over and put a hand on her shoulder.


When she turned around, she was quietly crying.

The Companion was full of concern.

"What is wrong?"

She threw her arms around him and buried her face in his neck.

"Karson, I'm scared! What's going to happen for you...for us? I don't want to lose you."

She sobbed on his shoulder and Karson stroked her back.

"I do not know Rachel. I wish I could tell you. We just have to believe that everything will be all right. Please, do not cry, I am right here."

He spoke soothingly and hugged her until she stopped crying.

She sniffed again as she broke his hug. He smiled and brushed away a leftover tear. She tried to smile back at him, but her chin dropped.

"I just don't know what I'd do if I had to give you up."

He raised her chin and looked her in the eye.

"I am not going anywhere, Rachel. Come on, how about I fix you a nice hot bath to soak in?"

She smiled and sniffed again.

"I think I'd like it more if you took a hot shower with me."

Karson laughed lightly.

"That is the Rachel I know. I will join you, since you asked so nicely. Let me get it ready."

Rachel nodded and let him go, and the water started a moment later. By the time she joined him in the bathroom, he was already stripped and steam poured out of the shower. She shed her clothing and stepped under the spray. The water was hot and relaxing. Karson closed the shower door as he stepped in after her. Rachel hardly waited until he turned around to face her before she pushed him against the wall in a passionate kiss.

Karson murmured against her as she pressed her body against his. He wrapped his arms around her torso and exerted his own force against her. She broke the kiss and smoothed her wet hands over his face. He playfully nipped at her fingers as she tapped his nose.

He gave her a wide grin.

"Someone is feeling frisky."

"Shh, no talking," Rachel said.

She pressed him against the wall in another kiss and Karson did not resist.

The pair slowly washed each other between bouts of kissing and caressing. Rachel hardly spoke a word to the Companion and embraced him as if he would vanish at any moment if she let him out of her grasp. Karson guessed that it was in reaction to the unknown future of Companions, somehow fearing that he would be forcibly taken away from her. The Companion did his best to put her fears at ease and return the love she gave to him.

They spent a long time just holding each other under the hot shower. Rachel was feeling more like herself after the tender touching and embracing. Her good spirit returned in full when Karson spoke up.

"I think I will need to get out soon sweetie, otherwise my fur is never going to get dry."

She laughed.

"You're right. Besides, I don't want my sheets smelling like wet dog."

He poked his tongue out and blew a raspberry.

Rachel swatted his behind as he stepped out of the shower.

"I'll be out shortly."

He laughed at her and gave his own retort.

"Good, because wrinkly skin is not very sexy."

She laughed loudly.

"Hey! I resemble that remark."

He blew her a kiss and closed the bathroom door.

Rachel stood under the shower for another minute before turning off the water.

She went to the bedroom and slipped on her nightclothes before joining Karson in the second bedroom. She found him sitting in front of the fan checking email. Pulling up the second chair she finally got for the room, Rachel brushed her hair and inquired about Karson's messages.

"The forums were flooded with messages once that news story spread. My inbox is overflowing. It will probably take me all day tomorrow to sift through everything and get caught up. Good thing I do not plan on going anywhere."

He chuckled dryly.

"Hopefully things won't be too crazy at work tomorrow. I only have one project left to finish this week, so I don't think I'll have any overtime. Let me know if I need to pick up anything from the store."

Karson nodded as he continued to sort through his email.

Rachel stood and hugged him from behind. She kissed him firmly on the cheek.

"I'm going to watch a little TV. Love you!"

He reached a hand up and stroked her cheek in return.

"Love you too. I will come to bed when I dry a bit more, okay?"

She nodded and went to her bedroom, leaving Karson alone at the computer.

When he felt dry enough, Karson shut down the computer and turned off the fan. He quickly made his way around the apartment and made sure the lights were off and the door locked before heading to the bedroom. He crept into the room, which was only lit by the glow of the TV.

Karson gently took the remote from Rachel's hand and turned the set off. Even in the darkness, he saw her curled up with Romeo, his German Shepherd plush she got for him such a long time ago. He went around to the other side of the bed and crawled under the covers.

As soon as she felt his presence, she roused sleepily from her dozing and pulled him into her embrace.

"Finally decided to join me, hm?"

She planted a kiss on his forehead and promptly went back to sleep.

Karson snuggled into her arms and sighed contentedly. He briefly pondered what the future would hold for him. A few minutes later his breathing was soft and regular as he slumbered next to his friend and lover.

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