Chapter 12 - Revelations

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Rachel and Karson made their way through the chilly December night. The journey home passed in comfortable silence. Once back at the apartment, Rachel sat with Karson on his futon as they recounted the evening.

"Well, I think we found a new spot to visit. Molly and Bobby certainly were nice!"

"Yes they were; I like them a lot. I look forward to the next visit."

Now that they had a quiet moment, Karson recalled Rachel's earlier comment.

"Rachel, what were you going to tell me earlier?"

She suddenly became embarrassed and looked away.

"Oh, yeah...that. Well, maybe I should just wait..."

She turned back and saw the bedside light reflected in his soft brown eyes. Rachel was momentarily lost in his gaze as she saw his fear, his concern, his intelligence and his warmth all held in that look. Her heart melted and she wondered why she had been afraid to tell him.

"I have wanted to tell you for so long, I just didn't know how. I needed to tell you. I didn't want to turn it into a big deal, but..."

She could not turn away from his questioning gaze, and she did not want to. Rachel gently traced her fingertips along his cheek.

"Karson, I-"

"You love me."

She simply nodded.

He smiled, then took her hand and kissed it.

The two stared into each others eyes for a moment.

"I was unsure whether or not to tell you. I didn't want to make things complicated, and after all of my lousy relationships I didn't want end up losing you, too. All those times we spoke about our past, and how much Kara meant to you...I just didn't want to intrude on that. I don't know when it happened, I just found that I thought about you all the time and how great it would be if things worked out, but I was scared and didn't know what to do..."

Rachel babbled nearly on the verge of tears after she opened the floodgates with her confession.

Karson simply placed his finger on her lips. He spoke his next words softly but with absolute sincerity.

"Rachel, you are more than just a Guardian. You are the most sincere friend I have ever had. As I have come to know you, my feelings, too, have grown. I can honestly say that I love you, and now I know what it is to be loved. You have shown me that with every action you take."

"I do love you Karson, and I don't ever want you to leave."

She pressed her lips to his in a passionate kiss, and smothered whatever he was about to say. They continued for several moments as Rachel's tongue pushed past his lips into his muzzle. Karson found the new experience intoxicating.

They broke their kiss and Rachel unbuttoned Karson's shirt. He let her hand roam over his chest and stomach as she nuzzled his neck. He had not seen or expected this side of his friend, but he enjoyed it. Rachel found the touch of his fur suddenly arousing as her fingers combed through the softness under his clothes.

Karson shifted nervously when Rachel slipped his shirt off. He was torn between apprehension and longing for his new lover to continue. When Rachel nuzzled her face into his neck ruff again, he squirmed and pushed her gently away. Rachel gazed at him in confusion as he looked away distractedly.

"R-rachel? I have never been...intimate with anyone. I mean I have never..."

She grinned back at him with an affectionate smile. Rachel leaned close to him and cooed softly in his ear.

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