Chapter 2 - Reminiscing

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"I'm so glad you two could finally visit."

Vanessa stirred her tea.

Karson took a sip of his own, which was an accomplishment in itself since she did not have any Companion style cups.

"I agree. Rachel talked about it for some time, but I told her we would never make it out here unless we did it instead of plan it."

They shared a laugh.

"Do you have any specific plans while you're in town? I thought maybe I'd make us all dinner tomorrow evening?"

Vanessa raised her eyebrows hopefully.

"I am sure that would be just fine. Rachel mentioned maybe a trip to the zoo tomorrow. She said something about showing me some of her favorite spots as a child. Really, I am just along for the ride, so to speak."

Karson grinned and took another sip of tea.

"This is really nice. Did you add lemon?"

"Yes, I thought it complimented the tea nicely. Just add a drop of honey and it's perfect."

The two sat quietly for a moment enjoying their tea. Vanessa got up from the table briefly and pulled out a binder from a hidden corner. She returned to the table and pushed the book across to Karson.

"I was waiting for you to visit so I could show you this."

Karson looked at the binder worn with age.

"What is it?"

"It's an old photo album I keep with pictures of Rachel, along with other things. I thought you might be interested in seeing it. Go ahead, take a look."

Vanessa smiled as the Companion reverently open the binder.

The first one that greeted him was Rachel's baby picture. She was wrapped in a white blanket and wore the cutest expression. Karson traced a finger over the photo, which did not escape Vanessa's notice as she watched him over her cup of tea. He flipped through page after page and she filled him in on the details of where and when the photos were taken.

Karson was up to Rachel's high school pictures when she came strolling into the kitchen. She walked past the table and retrieved a drink from the refrigerator before sitting down next to him. Glancing at the current page, she laughed at the picture of her standing in a group of classmates at a bowling alley.

"Wow, that was so long ago! I remember I used to go hang out at the lanes every Saturday afternoon. All the preppies went to the mall, and all the misfits went bowling. I can't believe you kept all of these pictures, Mom."

"Ah well, you know how mothers can be."

Rachel shared a few stories that belonged to some of the pictures for Karson, and the three at the table enjoyed reminiscing. After the page with Rachel in her college cap and gown, Karson came across a familiar picture. It was the photo from his first weekend with Rachel. He could scarcely believe it had nearly been a year since it was taken.

Karson looked at the photo for a moment and then looked at Rachel. She returned his gaze with a secret glint in her eye and grasped his hand under the table. This also did not escape Vanessa's notice, as Rachel leaned closer to him.

"I remember that day. Those clothes suited you so well, Kar."

She turned to her mother.

"Do you have all the photos I sent you in here?"

Vanessa nodded.

Karson started to turn past the page that had the photo from his birthday where Rachel was kissing him.

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