Chapter 11 - Surprises

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Rachel found going back to the daily grind a bit challenging at first, but was soon adjusted as if there was no interruption. Karson likewise got adjusted to his new regiment of exercising and getting back in shape. The two even resumed their after dinner games and looked forward to spending the evenings talking.

Wednesday afternoon Rachel received an email from Roger Greenburg stating that Karson's book was due in stores in approximately one week. She was very excited about the news and immediately started thinking of the best way to reveal the surprise to Karson. Rachel wondered if she would be able to keep up the charade.

Perhaps thankfully, Rachel had more than enough work to keep her occupied and so far Karson had not mentioned anything about his book. The weekend arrived and she treated Karson to a day in the park. They managed to catch a few tunes from the musicians they discovered previously, and the two enjoyed the time spent together.

As the weekend came to a close Karson was a little out of character as he professed his love to Rachel. She welcomed his advances and the two spent most of the day in the bedroom. Rachel was reluctant as always to go back to the work routine, but the thought of Karson's book reminded her that she had something to work for.

Rachel was sitting at her desk a couple of days later having just finished her lunch conversation with Karson when the idea struck her. Karson had not visited the bookstore since before his incident and what a perfect way for her to 'discover' his book. By the end of the day she had worked out the plan for her to take Karson to the store under the pretense of buying him some new reading material, and then she would show him his own book.

She began dropping hints and suggestions to Karson from that evening and by the time Saturday came the Companion looked forward to getting a new book. Rachel took him to the large bookstore he preferred and she followed Karson around as he browsed at a leisurely pace. She made suggestions as they moved through the store trying to steer him to the section where he could find his book.

When they finally wandered into the Social section, Rachel let Karson look around. She spotted the book first and quickly went to stand next to the shelf. She picked up a copy and looked at the stylized cover and ran her finger over the embossed title: Companions for Companions. An overwhelming sense of pride coursed through her and she nearly giggled when she looked at Karson's picture inside the back cover. He looked so handsome and professional she could hardly believe that it was a picture she had taken with her phone.

Rachel quickly set the book back on the shelf when Karson came over to her.

"See anything you like?"

She watched the Companion's face for any sign that he had seen the book.

Karson glanced around before replying.

"I am not sure; nothing is really grabbing my attention."

A smiled hovered around Rachel's lips.

"Maybe you aren't looking hard enough?"

She leaned right next to the copies of his book.

"What is that suppos-"

Karson stopped in mid-sentence as his gaze fell upon the book. He stared in utter disbelief as Rachel picked up a copy and handed it to him.

"This cannot be..."

He turned the book over and read the back cover, and was still in shock when Rachel wordlessly opened it to his picture.

"I'm sorry sweetheart...I wanted to tell you so badly so many times recently. I just wanted to make it a big surprise. Congratulations!"

Rachel hugged the still unbelieving Companion.

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