Chapter 5 - The Ring

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Karson's nose tickled and he sneezed. He rolled onto his side and absently rubbed his muzzle. Again he felt the tickle on the tip of his nose and he cracked open an eye to see what it was. Rachel's smile filled his vision and he opened his other eye.

"Good morning sleepyhead," she said.

"Morning, what time is it?"

"10-something, I'm not really sure."

She grinned at him with that look.

Karson tried not to acknowledge it.

"Want me to go fix us some breakfast?"

"I want some breakfast, but you're not going anywhere."

Rachel shifted against him and he could not suppress his grin. When she began kissing him and rolled over on top of the Companion, Karson made a mental note that today was going to be a good day.

Some time later, the pair exited the steam filled bathroom. Karson briefly combed through his damp fur as Rachel came up behind him and squeezed his rump.

"Have I ever told you that you have the cutest butt?"

Karson laughed and hip bumped her.

"All the time. You have a pretty cute butt yourself."

Rachel winked at him and slipped off her towel to get dressed. Karson admired her form for a moment.

"I will go dry in front of the fan."

The Companion walked into the second bedroom.

"'Kay, I'll go fix something to eat."

Once Karson was dried and dressed, he joined Rachel in the living room where she had a spread of food set out to nibble on. She offered a microwave egg roll to the Companion as he sat down next to her. She sampled some of the cheese dip and clicked on the TV.

"I picked the first movie already, so your turn is next."

"What is the first selection?"

Karson munched on his egg roll as the disc started up.

"One of those action movies from a few years ago, you might remember it. Two cops track down a shipment of illegal computer chips? Anyways, I think you'll enjoy it. I used to think Peter Preston was such a hunk back then."

Karson chuckled.

"Should I be jealous?"

Rachel planted a kiss on his cheek.

"Shh, it's the opening scene."

The two were quickly engrossed in the movie as a car screeched by and exploded.

The Companion agreed with Rachel that the movie was entertaining. There were plenty of gun fights and explosions and Karson could understand why it was popular at the time. When the credits rolled by Rachel nudged him.

"Okay pal, it's your turn. Pick anything you want."

By now Karson was familiar with Rachel's video library, but there were still a number of films he had not seen. He was in the mood for a romantic story and found the old remake of When Harry Met Sally. The film had seen a re-emergence upon its remake a few decades earlier. He knew Rachel had seen it several times and had a feeling she would not mind seeing it again. He read the back cover and took note that the original film was released over 70 years ago.

Rachel curled up next to him when she recognized the film.

"You never saw this?"

Karson shook his head no.

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