Chapter 11 - Out and About

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Rachel pulled up to the front walkway of the restaurant and took the ticket from the valet as she hopped out. She was excited and took Karson by the arm as the two walked into the foyer. She had never eaten at the establishment, but was told by several people at work that it was a very nice place, which meant it was expensive. Rachel wanted to celebrate the special occasion though, and hoped Karson would not object to her doting on him.

She had to wait briefly for the maître'd to seat a couple ahead of her. She noticed Karson was cheerful as he looked around, and gave her a brief smile as the host returned. She scanned the dining area and saw a number of open tables.

"Good evening, I have a reservation for two under Nolan."

He looked past her at Karson a few feet away, occupied with looking over the menu.

"Yes, Ms. Nolan. Let me see what we have available. Will you need an additional seat for your Companion?"
"No, there is just the two of us," she said curtly but politely.


The host scanned his table chart before he looked up.

"Excuse me for a moment."

He promptly disappeared into the kitchen.

Rachel joined Karson and tried to hide her annoyance.

"See anything good?"

Karson was absorbed in reading every dish on the menu.

"Perhaps. This restaurant has Shepherd's Pie. I have never heard of that dish, but it sounds tasty."

"Oh, yeah. That's good. Do you think you'd want to get any dessert? Traditionally, cake is for birthdays, but you can get whatever you want."

"I have not looked at desserts yet, but yes, I think I would like something sweet."

She smiled and said, "Cool."

They both looked at the menu for a couple more minutes.

The maître'd returned and called over to Rachel.

"If you will just have a seat, it will be a few more minutes."

She gave him a frosty glare, but motioned Karson to the bench in the waiting area. The two engaged in some small talk as a few more parties entered and were seated. After 20 minutes went by, Rachel returned to the host.

"Is there a table ready yet?"

"No, I'm sorry, we had a couple of reservations running late. I will be sure to let you know when the first is available."

She noticed the server glance at Karson sitting in the waiting area, and decided to change her approach. She reached into her purse and deftly pulled out a folded $20 and held it between her fingers.

She lowered her voice.

"Look, I know it's an uncommon thing, but it's my friend's birthday. Do you think you could cut me some slack and get me a table?"

The host looked at the tip as if it were a dead fish.

"I'm sorry miss, but we do not currently have anything available. I will be sure to inform you the moment we have an opening."

Her gaze hardened and she nodded her head in disappointed understanding.

"Yes, I'm sure you will."

She turned on her heel and joined Karson again.

When she stood next to him, he pointed out the window at the boardwalk that looked out upon the river.

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