Chapter 1 - Road Trip

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The clock read 6:25.

Karson knew Rachel would arrive any minute. He sat patiently on the couch and attempted to read the newspaper, but found he could not concentrate. As he started to read the article on a consumer goods company specializing in Companion products, he heard the jingle of keys in the lock. He quickly folded the paper and stood with his tail wagging for his roommate and lover to walk through the door.

Rachel shuffled in, a plastic bag of take out in one hand and a stack of office papers in the other. She kicked the door closed and her face broke into a smile as she faced Karson. She held out the plastic bag to him.

"Hey sweetie! Would you take care of that for me? I'm going to change out of my work clothes real quick."

"Of course, Rachel."

Karson took the bag, but not before leaning up to give her a kiss. Rachel scurried back to her room to change while he unpacked the dinner. By the time she emerged in jeans and a t-shirt, he had everything all set including drinks. Rachel joined him at the table.

"Thanks Kar. So glad it's Friday. Sorry about the take out again this week, but I figured it would be faster this way so we can get on the road."

Karson smiled and took a bite of his sub.

"It is all right; I am excited to get out of town actually. I have not been out of the city in quite some time."

"Oh, right," Rachel said.

She took a bite of her own sub.

"The farm was it? I bet that was nice, but trust me you'll like my hometown. I can show you all the places I used to go when I was growing up."

"I certainly look forward to it."

They finished the dinner quickly and Karson helped Rachel pack; he finished his own earlier that day. They each had a single suitcase and chose to carry a light jacket. The April weather was relatively calm and warm. Karson followed Rachel out of the apartment as they made their way down to the car.

After suitcases were stowed in the trunk, Rachel briefly pulled Karson into her arms. He giggled lightly as she snuggled against his cheek, and the two shared an intimate kiss. Rachel stroked his ears in that tender way she used to show her affection.

"I'm excited Kar! But I'm also kind of nervous. I haven't brought a guy home in years!"

They both shared a laugh at her statement, but her tone turned serious for a moment.

"Are you ready for this? I don't think my parents really know that we are...well, you know. But if things get weird I just want to say that I love you no matter what, okay?"

Karson returned her gaze and grasped her hand.

"Do not worry Rachel, things will be fine. Just for the record, know that I will always love you no matter what."

With both having said their peace, the two kissed again and hopped in the car.

"Riverside here we come!"

Rachel drove off to the expressway.

Four hours and a couple of rest stops later, Rachel exited the freeway and drove down the familiar Ohio streets of her childhood. She pointed out a landmark here and there to Karson as they passed, such as the corner that used to be her favorite spot in summertime to get a Popsicle. The corner had long ago become a quick mart peddling cheap coffee and cigarettes.

As they turned down the last street, Rachel slowed to try and observe what changes had taken place over the last two years since she visited. That Christmas seemed like a lifetime ago and it was before her previous relationship. The thought flashed through her mind - if not for that breakup, Karson would not be with her right now. Rachel gave up trying to take in all the subtle changes to her neighborhood in the dark, and finally turned into the drive of her parents' house.

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