Chapter 6 - Upkeep

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Some time later she finished the email to her mother that included the pictures. Rachel set the group shot to her desktop image, and got sidetracked with the forums again. Before she knew it an hour had gone by and Karson stood by the desk. He held his grooming kit and wagged his tail.

"Do you want to help me groom?"

"Uh, sure. Where do you want to do it?"

"The kitchen is a good place."

Once in the kitchen, Rachel pulled out the two brushes and comb from Karson's bag. She held them out.

"Which one should I use for your back?"

He pointed at the bigger stiff brush.

"That one is better."

He pulled off his shirt, set it aside, and took the smaller brush.

"I use this one for the front."

Karson turned his back to Rachel and began methodically brushing the fur on his neck and down his chest.

She timidly ran the brush over his fur a couple of times before he spoke up.

"You have to brush harder than that, or it will not get out all the stray hair."

"Oh, sorry! I've never done this before. Just tell me if I'm doing it wrong."

She pushed the brush through his fur with more force.

"Like that?"

He sighed happily.

"Yes, exactly like that. That feels good. Just keep doing that all the way down."

Rachel focused on her task, continually running her fingers through his soft fur. She stopped a few times to clean the loaded brush, and let the shed clumps fall to the floor. Karson was done with the front by the time she made her way down to the waist of his shorts. She grabbed his tail and started to brush it when he stood rigid.

"I c-can d-do the rest, th-thanks."

She quickly let go of his tail and wondered if she had done something wrong. He turned and flashed her a smile, grabbing at the brushes. He shifted around nervously as he edged his way out of the kitchen.

"I will just finish in the bathroom, thanks!"

He hurried off and Rachel heard the door close and the shower start up a moment later. She was curious about what just happened, but she dismissed it and swept up the discarded fur. She figured that he would be in the bath for a while, so she fixed some food and watched TV.

Karson felt flushed. He did not know why the simple act of grooming had made him amorous. Rachel having grabbed his tail certainly did not help. He stripped off his shorts and hurriedly brushed the rest of his fur, as he tried to ignore his bulging sheath. He let out a soft whine as he felt his erection grow. Karson took a deep breath and attempted to convince himself that it was a natural reaction to grooming and his sensitive tail.

He adjusted the shower to a suitable temperature, and was about to get in when he realized the fur shampoo was in the kitchen. The Companion silently cursed himself for being so distracted. He thought about wrapping up in a towel and going to get it, but his arousal made that nearly impossible.

Another whine escaped him before he opened the door a crack and called out in what he hoped was a steady voice.


She punched the mute button.

"Karson? Did you need something?"

"Yes! Uh, sorry, but I left the shampoo in my bag. Can you get it for me please?"

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