Chapter 9 - Discharged

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When Rachel got home she checked her email and saw Roger Greenburg sent her the promised itinerary and booked a flight to New York in four days. The message outlined what she needed to bring and her estimated arrival and departure times. She made a note to talk to Molly about the day trip so Karson would not be left alone.

Rachel's thoughts centered on the Companion and she hoped that he would be able to come home very soon. She tossed and turned all night and was too anxious to get any real sleep. She was already up and into her morning routine when her alarm went off.

Dressed and ready to go, Rachel impatiently kept an eye on the clock. She was prepared to go visit Karson, the only problem was visiting hours did not start for another two hours. Rachel grumbled and attempted to find anything to occupy her, and finally decided to browse through some of the forums she had neglected over the last few weeks.

She was soon lost digging through the various threads and even found a few useful bits of information. Scanning the forums reminded her that she needed to check in with work at some point, and did not know if it was a good sign that she had not received a single work related email. She pushed the thought aside for later since enough time had passed and now she could visit Karson.

Rachel arrived at the hospital after a quick stop to get a treat for the Companion. She walked into his room and right into his outstretched arm. The two kissed for a moment as Rachel sat on the edge of the bed. Karson was very happy to see her but became very curious when he discovered the bag she brought.

"What have you got there?"

Rachel teased him and said, "Nothing."

He tickled her chin.

"Are you sure?"

She pulled the small bag from behind her back and placed it on his stomach.

"Oh you mean this? Just picked up a little something to treat my Kuddles."

"Ooh, what kind of treat?"

Rachel pulled out a small container of ice cream with a spoon.

"The kind that melts."

They shared a giggle as she pulled off the lid, scooped out a spoonful and held it up for Karson.

He smiled but looked mildly confused.

"You are going to feed me ice cream?"

Rachel smiled with a nod and waited for him to open his mouth.

He did so and licked the ice cream off the spoon as she shoveled it in.

He swallowed the bite and licked his lips.

"Mmm that is yummy. Pralines and cream, right?"

Rachel took a bite of the ice cream as well.

"Yeah, I haven't had any for a long time. I figured you deserved a little something sweet."

Karson grinned.

"Your kisses are all the sweets I ever need."

Rachel blushed at the compliment and leaned over to plant a kiss on his nose.

"Ooh, you're so romantic."

Karson nodded and held open his mouth again for another bite, and Rachel could not resist his cute expression.

After they finished the ice cream, a nurse arrived with a tray of lunch for Karson. After the nurse left, he laughed lightly and turned to Rachel.

"Guess I had my dessert first. I am not really all that hungry, but the staff gives me funny looks if I do not eat my food. Do you want me to wait so you can get something too?"

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