Chapter 4 - Stress

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Karson was utterly surprised to find Molly gave him $500 and a note that simply said, "Thank you." Rachel was very happy for him and took it as a sign that good fortune was just around the corner. The Companion secretly hoped she was right.

After the two days passed, Karson returned to Franklin Jewelers in order to approve the ring design. The finished rendering was even more beautiful than he imagined. Gerald asked if he would like to change any details, but Karson told him it was perfect save for one thing. He made a request to have an inscription inside the band, and Gerald was all too happy to comply.

The remaining deposit was made and Gerald gave him an estimated pick up date for four weeks. Karson left feeling elated once again. His return home was a blur as he daydreamed about different ways to propose to Rachel, contemplating which would be perfect. He found he could not concentrate on his work as his thoughts constantly strayed to what the future would be like.

Karson could barely contain his enthusiasm when Rachel walked in from work.

"Welcome home Rachel, I am glad to see you!"

She giggled as he latched on to her even before she set her briefcase down.

"Hiya Kuddles, I'm glad to see you too."

She kissed him and let him hug her for a moment.

"Sweetie, can I go change my clothes?"

"Oh! Yes, of course Rachel."

Karson quickly let go and gave her a sheepish smile.

Rachel blew him a kiss on her way down the hall.

"Be right back."

When Rachel appeared at the doorway she noticed Karson pacing back and forth. He seemed extremely preoccupied and full of nervous energy, and Rachel was momentarily concerned that something might be wrong. She cleared her throat and Karson immediately bounded across the room to once again latch on to her.

"Are you alright Kar?"

He looked up at her and smiled.

"Yes, I am fine."

She giggled and stroked his ear.

"Don't take this the wrong way, but you're acting a little more clingy than usual. Not that I really mind, I'm just making an observation."

Karson backed off slightly, thinking that Rachel hinted she was not in the mood for snuggling.

"Sorry, I just felt the need to be close to you. I can fix dinner if you are hungry?"

He started to turn to the kitchen, but she quickly grasped his shoulder.

"I didn't mean it to sound that way Kar; I love it when you want to be close to me. It's just that you surprised me. It's been a busy day at work and right now dinner sounds like just the thing."

Karson turned back to Rachel and smiled.

"Okay, just relax and I'll take care of it. Do you want to talk about it?"

"Oh I don't know. You'd probably think that all the crap going on at the office is boring."

"Not at all," he replied.

He pulled ingredients from the refrigerator and listened as Rachel vented about her hectic day. By the time she recounted the ordeal of explaining to her supervisor why her current project could not be converted to an older data system to accommodate an independent contractor, Karson had all the side dishes prepared and just pulled the main course out of the oven.

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