Chapter 38: Expelled

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Blackshire, late night

Sirius sank in an armchair, stupidly staring at the dark drapes of the walls and inhaling delicious aroma of mint tea. A shaggy plaid he was wrapped in tingled his bare shoulders. He had rasped throat after a long flight under the wind and from falling into the snow, but was filled with unnatural calmness.

Andromeda changed her hair color to dark yellow, resembling now a canary. Her Metamorphmagus abilities were kept top secret because Walburga considered them vulgar and taught the girl to control unwanted skills. But now, having married and finally gained the long-awaited freedom from the family, Meda stopped being ashamed, Sirius sincerely considered it an incredible gift.

Mrs. Tonks doted on her cousin, adjusting the rug, adding tea to the mug, smoothing long black bangs fallen on his face.

"Stop it," Black said glumly and Andromeda pursed her lips.

Sirius wasn't used to maternal care and considered it a weakness to admit that he liked Andromeda's actions, liked the look of sparkling tender eyes, this stupid dressing gown embroidered with golden leaves of tropical plants, liked the gold chain sparkling on her bare neck. Sirius gave this chain to her when he was seven. He saved money for a year, and then – oh Merlin! – went to the muggle jewelry store where he picked it. This was their secret, no one except uncle Alphard knew. The fact that Andromeda kept the chain to this day resounded in Sirius with a warm wave.

"So, it was you," he began. "You sent Prince?"

"So, it was me," Andromeda smiled and sat down on the edge of the nearby chair.

Black chewed his lip, eagerly examining the face of his sister he hadn't seen, probably, for about two years. Now her eyes were light-brown like melted milk chocolate.

"But how? AB sent Prince. Are you one of them?"

He stared at Andromeda, who only frowned in confusion.

"AB? I just asked Narcissa to help me. She's my younger sister and, even if she didn't approve marriage with the muggle-born, she wouldn't refuse to help."

Black doubted that his third cousin can be trusted, but decided to rely on Meda's words.

"Sirius," Andromeda shook her head and her hair turned dark-brown. "After what happened to Euphemia and Fleamont... I mean, Euphemia was your family, one of the few who really cared about you. First, Alphard passed, then she, and you... You don't have too many people left, right?"

Andromeda smiled sadly. Black lowered his eyes.

"I knew that one day you would do something stupid. I didn't want to watch you, I just wanted to help."

"You know that we were going to attack Abraxas Malfoy?"

"Yes," Andromeda said. "Fortunately, yours friends stopped you and James."

Sirius snorted. Friends! Beata Sprinkles, freaking savior.

"She's a good girl," Black grunted like an irritated dog. "Really, Sirius. Well, I can't call her perfect, but you are... so similar."

Andromeda smiled and Sirius thawed a little.

"Can we not talk about Sprinkles?" he grunted, holding a hot mug in his hands. "I'm tired of hearing about our wonderful future and undying love."

"We can," the cousin agreed easily.

Sirius hesitated and finally decided to ask the main question, "Prince knows why I'm here?"

Andromeda slightly tensed, but nevertheless nodded. She didn't take her eyes off and stubbornly resisted the attack of dark eyes full of excitement, bitterness and a bit of anger.

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