Chapter 42: Malfoy Masquerade

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Narcissa's heels playfully tapped on the stone floor, breaking the night silence of the old castle. Portraits discontentedly hissed at the girl but, being a prefect, Narcissa could do a lot of things. However, she allowed herself a lot even when she was an ordinary Slytherin, if the word ordinary suited the future Mrs. Malfoy.

AB have several inviolable rules. The first is no personal preference or prejudice. The second, any information coming from any source is strictly confidential. Third, none of AB should know the name or the face of any other member.

Following the rules was vital, because ignoring at least one of them could lead to exposure and complete failure. Narcissa broke them all.

Deliberately and with no remorse, she persecuted Malfoy for almost a year. Calmly, shaking thin shoulders, she gave a huge amount of information to the same Malfoy and, afterwards, to Beata and Emily. She had a very clear idea of each of AB members, knew all their addictions, habits, methods, and thus she became their curator.

When AB founders left the stage sending a short letter to the unknown volunteer with instructions and a secret signature, Narcissa had not the slightest idea about what was happening. Because the first person who sent AB the letter was Regulus.

"What is it?" Narcissa laughed and quickly wrenched the envelope from Regulus's fingers. "Wow!"

"Give it back," Regulus insisted. He was in love with Narcissa since the very first meeting, that is, since six years old.

"What do I get for this?" naïve flicker of eyelashes, a soft curtain of hair carelessly thrown back, and Regulus was covered with a crimson blush. Narcissa could always play silly if necessary.

"It's a secret. I can't..."

Pursed scarlet lips and sadness in brown eyes, Regulus could never resist. Unlike his brother, he was a typical naïve boy and gave in to any, even the most amateurish provocation.

He hesitated, shifting his feet, looked at Narcissa and finally cracked up, "Don't tell anyone, okay?"

Narcissa took a tiny step toward him and enveloped Regulus with the scent of lilies, sweat running down his forehead, his chest feeling hot. Regulus swallowed.

"I offered AB my help," he whispered excitedly.

"What for?" Narcissa stepped back, genuinely surprised.

Regulus, as if frightened that Narcissa would misunderstand him, immediately ranted, "Lucius is not good to Emily, you know? He humiliates her, pursues, taunts her. I thought that I could find leverage over him if..."

Narcissa grimaced. She vaguely remembered who this Emily was, but she was always irritated by another female name that sounded from mouths of her admirers. She missed the rest of the confession and was already thinking of leaving young Black alone but, suddenly, a bell rang in her head.

Leverage over Lucius? It was interesting.

"Tell me more."

Narcissa took Regulus under the elbow and he almost had a seizure. Emily was immediately forgotten, as well as Malfoy; there was only an adorable white-haired witch with dark chocolate eyes and a sweet smile on her scarlet lips.

It took a lot of time to sort out the letters of AB' fans, understand the situation, pick up new candidates for the main roles, but Narcissa managed to do it and unexpectedly got the power she couldn't even dream of.

She was running the whole school. She knew who slept with whom, had a schedule of meetings between Dumbledore and McGonagall, Pomfrey and Flitwick. She was aware of all the movements of the Marauders and also that Remus, as well as Peter, for a long time remained virgin. She even knew how many spoons of sugar each of them puts in his mug. Oh, how surprised the rest of AB would've been, if they had even a vague idea of ​​each other.

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