Chapter 10

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~2 Days Later~

I had been ignoring everyone since I'd been back. I hadn't left the room, not that I'd been allowed to. Lance and Hunk came in with some things for me to do so I wasn't driven crazy with boredom. They tried getting me to talk, but I refused. I stayed on the bed all day, I didn't move. I didn't eat much, and I was hungry, anyone could tell. When Keith came into the room to change the bandages on my shoulder, he would turn into food. Yes, they brought me food, but I just couldn't eat it.

I heard the door open and spared a glance to the person comic inside. It was Allura. She was probably the only one I felt bad about ignoring. She was the nicest of this group, she and Coran, and she didn't seem to do anything bad, she just took on the role of leader. From what I've gathered being here, she doesn't give many orders unless it's an attack on the Galra. Anything else, it's up to the rest.

"I brought you lunch..." Allura held up the plate in her hand with a slight smile. "It's good, I promise, Shiro didn't make it this time." I didn't answer. "When are you going to start talking to us again?" Still no answer. "Will you at least eat? You haven't eaten in days. We don't want you to have to go to the hospital." Would they take me to the hospital, or would it be the Holts? "I'll just leave this here..." Allura put down the plate and picked up the one from the untouched breakfast Katie brought me this morning.

Allura looked at the plate sadly, then spared me a gaze, and walked out the door. When she was gone, my head dropped into my arms. I couldn't cry anymore, I had no more tears left. I could just sit and wish I was in a better position. I didn't hear the door open and close, or someone walking closer to me. I just heard when they spoke.

"You're worrying Allura," Keith spoke. No answer. "Eat." I didn't follow his command.

I didn't see what Keith's reaction to me not doing as he said, but the next thing I knew, Keith has my chin in his fingers, forcing me to look up while our lips were connected and he was sliding a bite of the sand which into my mouth. Mother bird style. My eyes got wide as I realized what he was doing. I was disgusted that he actually did that. He wasn't going to release me until I swallowed the sand which, so I swallowed it down. (I better not get dirty comments about that) I pushed Keith away.

"Now. Are you going to eat the rest of this or am I going to have to force feed it to you?" Keith asked.

Glaring, I took the plate from his hands and started slowly eating the sand which. Meanwhile, Keith changed the bandage on my shoulder while I listened to him talk.

"When are you going to start talking to us again?" He asked. "It's really worrying us." No answer. "I know you're mad, but how long can this go on for?" For as long as it takes. "What do you plan on achieving by ignoring us?" I wanted to ask him so many questions then and there, but I held back, not ready to break this silent treatment. "Since you're not speaking at the moment, I'm guessing I can tell you something without being laughed at?" Curious, I glanced to the side. Keith made eye contact with me. "Oh, that got your attention!" He chuckled a little. "You look like an innocent child. Anyways. I'm having troubles with feelings, as cheesy as it sounds. I think I like someone, but I'm not sure. How do you tell?"

That made me snicker. He's coming to me for crush advice? I just had to ask. "Is it Lance?"

"What! No! Oh, wait hey! You talked! Damn! If I knew that's all I had to do to get you to talk I would've told you this sooner!" Keith said. "But anyways. This person is most definitely a girl. We haven't known each other long, but I think I've already developed a crush on her. Whenever I see her, my heart starts to float, and I get butterflies... everywhere... whenever she's sad, or upset, it pains me, especially when she's not taking care of herself. I want to make her happy, I want to be someone that makes her happy, even if it means sacrificing things for her. I've hurt her in the past, and I felt extremely guilty... Do you think I have a crush on her?" I nodded my head. "Hm... well—"

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