Part 3

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As we all got into the car, everyone got in the back except me. I sat in the passengers seat and Daniel was driving. They decided to take me to The Grove which I guess is a mall in LA. 

Mia: What are we doing here? 

Zach: We're taking you shopping 

Mia: Uhh no you aren't

Daniel: Compliments of Jonah. He said so 

Mia: Doesn't mean you have to listen to him

Jack: We all would've done it anyway. You're new here, why not spoil you 

Mia: Spoil? Making me sound like a brat 

Corbyn: Are you? 

Mia: NO! 

Daniel: Enough talking lets go

We start to head instead and they took me into a couple of stores like Forever 21 and H&M. As we started heading toward the food court, something catches my eye. I turn around to see my ex. I quickly dodge behind Daniel so he wouldn't see me. 

Daniel: Uhh can I help you? 

Mia: Yeah, you can hide me 

Daniel: From what? 

Mia: Not from what. Who. I see my ex 

Daniel: I thought you're new to LA. How do you have an ex here? 

Mia: I have an ex where I used to live. School doesn't start there for like another week and a half. 

Daniel: Here take my hand

Daniel takes my hand and connects it with his. We started walking past my ex when I hear him speak. 

?: Mia! Long time, no see 

Mia: Hey, Connor

Connor: You here for a trip too? 

Mia: Uh no I live here now. Remember I moved.

Connor: Oh yeah. Who's this? 

Mia: Oh this is--

Daniel: I'm Daniel 

Daniel grips my hand tighter. I start to feel like I'm majorly blushing. 

Connor: Oh are you and him a...thing? 

Daniel starts to raise up our hands.

Daniel: Obviously 

My eyes widen. What was he doing?!

Connor: Well I hope he treats you right. Talk to you later maybe? 

Mia: Yeah. Bye 

Connor: Bye 

As Connor walks away, I let go of Daniel's hand. All of the other boys start walking toward me and him. 

Mia: Daniel. What was that?!

Daniel: Helping you with your situation 

Jack: He saw that you didn't want your ex to see you the way you are now so he helped seeing that you are better off without him

Mia: Really? 

Zach: It's actually clever

Corbyn: Hey, it's getting late. We should all be getting home

Mia: Yeah my moms gonna be home in a while

We start heading to the car and on the way to my house, we all exchanged numbers. We pulled up to my house and I got out of the car. My mom wasn't home yet. 

Jack: We'll see you tomorrow? 

Mia: Yep. Sadly 

I close the door and head inside . I drop off all my stuff and lay on my bed for a good 10 minutes till I hear a chime on my phone. It was from Daniel. 

*Text Messages*

Daniel: Hey Mia 

Mia: Hey what's up 

Daniel: Sorry if I took the situation out of hand. I was just trying to help 

Mia: You're okay :)

Daniel: Want me to pick you up tomorrow? 

Mia: You don't have to go through all that trouble

Daniel: The way I drive is down your street. It wouldn't be a problem. Also Anna wants me to pick you up

Mia: I mean if you insist 

Daniel: I'll see you at 6:45 

Mia: Why so early? School doesn't start till 7:20

Daniel: Anna has 25 minute class at 6:55 

Mia: Oh okay. See you then 

Daniel: Bye 

Mia: Bye 

I started to get ready for bed. I took a shower and had some dinner. I just threw on some shorts and a crop top. I brushed my teeth and got into bed. I didn't get home till like 5 and it was currently 9. I stayed up for a hour just watching YouTube videos and eventually I dozed off. 

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