Part 44

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The next morning I wanted to see if Isabella was okay because of things between her and Zach. I go into her room to see if she is okay but she wasn't there. I start to freak out thinking maybe someone took her. I look all over the house and she is nowhere. I decide to call Colby.

Colby: Hello?

Mia: Colby. I need help.

Colby: Why?

Mia: I can't find Isabella anywhere. Do you know where she went?

Colby: Yeah she's at mine and Sam's house. I can send you the address if you want.

Mia: Please. Thank you. Did I wake you up?

Colby: Yes. Yes you did.

Mia: Go back to sleep then. See you soon. Bye

Colby: Bye little sis.

I decided to go get ready and see that Daniel is already up. I go into the bathroom and start doing my hair.

Daniel: Hey Mia?

Mia: Yeah?

Daniel: What color crib do you want for the baby?

Mia: Why?

Daniel: I just wanna know.

Mia: Are you looking at cribs?

Daniel: Mayyybeee.

Mia: We have time Daniel. Don't stress.

Daniel: But we're gonna be on tour. Tour is when we're supposed to be getting the nursery set up and everything. Please just let me do it.

Mia: Ugh fine.

Daniel: Now...what color.

Mia: Pastel pink or white.

Daniel: Can we order everything else too. My mom gave me a whole list.

Mia: I guess. Let me finish then we can.

I finish getting ready and sit on the bed with Daniel. We start looking for everything.

Daniel: If we're gonna paint the nursery then we need paint.

Mia: First off. You said you wanted the nursery in here.

Daniel: Yeah but I'm willing to move all my music stuff in here for the nursery.

Mia: You serious?

Daniel: Yeah. I am.

Mia: Aww this is why I love you.

Daniel: Now what paint.

Mia: Well..if the crib is white, then why don't we do pastel pink walls. Maybe with a little bit of gray.

Daniel: Cute idea. Baby names?

Mia: Well we're having a girl so that limits it down.

Daniel: How about you say you're 3 and I'll say my 3.

Mia: First and middle?

Daniel: Yes.

Mia: Okay. 1: Addison Grace..we can call her Addie for short. 2: Jayden Mae. 3: Dallas Anna.

Daniel: Those are all beautiful. Anna would love to have her name of her nieces name. Mine now. 1: Jada Rose. 2: Sabrina Maya. 3: Brittany Sarah.

Mia: I think we can compromise. Let's right it on paper.

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