Part 11

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That next week we didn't mention anything until something came up that Friday after what happened. We were all at lunch just talking about classes when the principal came over the intercom. 

Principal: Will these students please report to the principals office. Ashley Besson, Corbyn Besson, Jack Avery, Sydnie Avery, Ava Stanford, Jonah Marais, Anna Seavey, Daniel Seavey, Zach Herron, and Mia Hernandez. Please report to the principals office. 

Zach: Wait what?

Daniel: Guys stay calm 

Jonah: We kind of can't

Jack: Because she called everyone's name that was there that night except Christina because she doesn't go here

Anna: I'm scared 

Mia: Don't be 

We all head up to the office and the assistant leads us to the principal's office. We all walk in and we see a police officer standing beside her desk. 

Daniel: Good afternoon Mrs. Wright

Mrs. Wright: Good afternoon kids. This is Sheriff Green. I'm gonna let him do the talking 

Sheriff Green: Hello kids, do you know why you guys are here

All: No

We all exchanged looks. 

Sheriff Green: Well, there was a murder a couple days ago over by a Denny's near here and a worker there saw you guys last before they closed. Said that you guys were tired from homecoming and you guys also had another girl with you. We found out her name and all of your guys' name with facial identity and we are not letting the other girl leave the state of California until further notice. You guys are all suspects in the murder

Corbyn: Where's Christina?

Sheriff Green: If you mean the other girl. She is at the station

Ava: What's gonna happen to us

Sheriff Green: There is a trial tomorrow and we need all you guys to be there because you guys will or might need to testify. The victim's family will be there. 

Jonah: What was the victim's name?

Sheriff Green: Connor White 

Daniel: What time is the trial?

Sheriff Green: 8am

Mia: We'll be there 

Sheriff Green: Great. Don't bail. You guys are dismissed

We all exit together. I started to hyperventilate when I got out of there

Anna: Mia... you alright

Mia: Connor's family is gonna be there. What if I have to testify?

Daniel: Let's hope you don't. Do you not like his family

Mia: More like his family doesn't like especially his sister.. Kaiya 

Sydnie: Hey, let's get to class. See you guys tomorrow. 

Jack: Let's go 

We all head to our class and when school was over, we headed home. We didn't want to tell our parents but we later found out they called them later that night. Unless we were under arrest they said to so nothing bad happens. We all went to bed. 

*The Next Day at the Courthouse* 

We all met at the courthouse together and we all walked in together. We didn't want to leave each other's side. Daniel and I held hands most of the time. Christina was able to meet up with us as well. We took our seats and I turn my head over my shoulder and I see Connor's family. His mom, Cindy, His dad, Jimmy and his sister, Kaiya. 

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