Part 47

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I woke up and I saw that Colby wasn't in his bunk. I thought he was just out exploring in the early morning but the bus was moving because we were heading back to LA for the next concert which is tomorrow. I head over to Jonah's bunk and I see him on his phone answering fans.

Mia: Hey, have you seen Colby? He's not at his bunk.

Jonah: You didn't hear?

Mia: Hear what?

Jonah: I don't know if I should tell you.

Mia: Just tell me.

Jonah: He went back home.

Mia: What? Why?

Jonah: I don't know but he seemed like a good edition.

Isabella: He left because of me..and you.

Mia: What the hell do you mean by that?

Isabella: You told him to stay away from me so..he left. Mostly your fault but still.

Mia: He could've stayed away and still be on this tour.

Isabella: Guess not.

Mia: I'm calling him.

I head over into the extra room and shut the door. I call Colby's phone and he answers.

Phone Conversation:

Colby: Hello?

Mia: Why the hell did you leave?!

Colby: You told me to stay away from Isabella.

Mia: I didn't mean literally like go home. You could've done so many other things here.

Colby: Mia, I'm sorry.

Mia: Did you say sorry to Isabella?

Colby: I guess. Did you?

Mia: Why should I? I did nothing wrong.

Colby: Seems like you did. She was crying last night.

Mia: That's just Isabella. It's nothing.

Colby: Sure, well I gotta go explore with Sam so..I'll talk to you later.

Mia: Yeah, I'll be back in LA later so maybe catch up. We never get to spend time one on one anymore.

Colby: Yeah for sure. Love you sis.

Mia: Love you too. Bye.

Colby: Bye

End of phone conversation

Daniel: Hey, we are about to arrive in LA soon. Do you wanna do anything?

Mia: Maybe say hi to the girls.

Daniel: That sounds fun.

Mia: Yeah.

We decide to take a pit stop for some food. Only Isabella left for some reason but all of a sudden, I get a phone call.

Daniel: Who is it? Put it on speaker. Everyone come here.

I answer the phone.

Mia: Hello?

?: Nice to hear from you again.

Mia: Who is this?

?: You don't remember me?

Mia: No, honestly.

?: It's Emily Hernandez Your mother.

Mia: Oh it's you. What the hell do you want?

Emily: I wanna catch up.

Mia: I don't.

Emily: Are you in LA?

Mia: I will be.

Emily: Please. I wanna catch up.

Mia: Fine. But I ain't coming alone. I don't trust you. After..what you made Sarah do to Anna and Daniel.

Emily: I don't even know those two and what they mean to you. Just come to the house when you have the chance today. I'll be home all day.

Mia: Fine. Bye.

Emily: Bye.

She hangs up and I throw my phone on the couch.

Daniel: You're seriously gonna go?

Mia: Yes. But you're coming with me.

Daniel: Are you sure?

Mia: Yes.

Daniel: Okay. I'll be there.

Isabella came back and didn't know a thing. We started the drive back to LA.

Couple of hours later..

We arrive in LA and we all go our separate ways. To see family and friends.

Isabella: Mia, can I hang with you and Daniel.

Mia: Actually, Daniel and I have some stuff to do but you can go to the house. Anna and Noel are there so you can have some special time with your sister.

Isabella: Yeah. Sure thing.

Isabella heads off and I take a deep breath. Daniel grabs my hand.

Daniel: You sure?

Mia: Yeah. Let's go.

We got into an Uber and drove to my old house. We got out and it was very weird being back there. I could see my old room from the yard. We get up to the door and knock. She answers.

Emily: Hello—you're....

Mia: Pregnant? Yeah I know.

Emily: Come in.

We head in and take a seat on the couch.

Emily: So, who's this.

Mia: Daniel. My boyfriend and father of the child. You're the one who told Sarah that I had to shoot him in the leg.

Emily: Like I said on the phone, I have no idea what you're talking about.

Mia: Don't play dumb with me. I know you did. You never came to my trials days..not even my graduation. But I mean you're not my real mother so makes sense. You basically disowned me.

Emily: Trial?

Mia: Again, don't play dumb with me.

Emily: You don't even know your real family.

Mia: I do. There names are the Brocks and they have 2 sons named Colby and Gage. One of them I know. Colby has a picture of me and him in his wallet before I was given

Emily: Wow, you do.

Mia: Yeah. I think we should leave.

Emily: You aren't leaving.

Daniel: Umm..why not?

Emily: Mia..the day you left. I knew it would happen. Your room is still the same. Never moved an inch of it. Do you wanna go see it?

Mia: No, I'm good. Daniel and I actually have a doctor appointment for the baby and he's got rehearsal so we have to go.

Emily: Baby is much more important.

Mia: Like you would know. Bye.

Emily: Catch up soon?

Mia: No.

At that point I slam the door and head toward the Uber. We got back to the house and hanged out for a while with everyone. Then we all headed back to the bus and went to sleep. I never wanna see her in my life. She ruined me. I'm done with Emily Hernandez.

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