Part 8

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Mia: Daniel......

I can hear the silence of everyone for me to say the answer. Yes or no. 

Daniel: Mia.... 

I think for about another 10 seconds. 

Mia: Daniel.. yes, I will go to homecoming with you 

Everyone cheers. A big smile is on Daniel's face as he hands me the bouquet of roses. 

Anna: Yay!! I'm so happy 

Ava: I ship it!

Anna: Boys.. you can go do whatever. Give Daniel and Mia some space. They probably wanna talk. 

Jonah: Yeah. Guys, let's go 

Corbyn: Ashley and I have a family night tonight so we gotta head out

Ashley: That's tonight?!

Corbyn: Uhh.. yeah 

Ashley: Crap. Well, see you guys later

Jack: Sydnie and Ava gotta get home. They have to babysit Isla while our parents have a date night 

Sydnie: I thought that was your turn 

Jack: Well, it's not. Zach, Jonah and I are going to Zach's to hang with his family

Ava: Ugh. Fine 

Mia: Who's Isla? 

Jack: Our younger sister 

Mia: Oh makes sense

Zach: Well, we'll see you guys tomorrow. Peace 

Anna, Mia and Daniel: Bye 

The rest of the gang leaves. Anna heads upstairs. 

Daniel: When does your mom get home?

Mia: 6. Why? 

Daniel pulls out his phone and looks at the time. 

Daniel: It's 4:30. We have time

Mia: Time for what? 

Daniel: To watch a movie. Come on

He takes my hand and takes me to his room. He pulls up Netflix. 

Daniel: You pick a movie. The pizza is about to be here so I'll go get it. 

Mia: Okay

Daniel leaves and I am just in his room.. alone. I decide to go through his closet and I spot a sweatshirt. It had a logo that says "Why Don't We". I throw it on and pick The Kissing Booth. Daniel comes back up with a box of pizza. 

Daniel: What are you wearing there? 

Mia: One of your sweatshirts

Daniel: Which one

He comes over to me and looks at the logo. 

Daniel: Oh.. that one

Mia: What does "Why Don't We" mean? 

Daniel: It's a band

Mia: How come I've never heard of them

Daniel takes my hand. He look me in my eyes. 

Daniel: Mia... I need to tell you something

Mia: What is it? 

Daniel: I'm part of the band. The band "Why Don't We" 

Mia: Really.

Daniel: Yeah. Me and the boys

Mia: Oh wow.. I was curious why you guys sounded so good when you guys were singing 

Daniel: Yeah. That's why. Anyway.. movie time? 

Mia: Yeah 

We laid in his bed and we watched the movie. After the movie was done, he got his keys and he drove me home. 

Daniel: Sorry if you were a little bit late

Mia: I don't think she'll care

Daniel kisses me on the cheek and I get out of the car

Mia: See you tomorrow

Daniel: Best part of my day

We both smile and I head into my house. I see my mom on her computer at the island. I set my stuff down and go get a vase to put the roses in. I set the roses on the table and my mom spots them. 

Mom: Who got you the roses? 

Mia: My homecoming date

Mom: Ooo.. what's his name? 

Mia: Daniel

Mom: Does Mason know? 

Mia: Who's name did you say? 

Mom: Mason's 

Mia: Wow.. 

Mom: What 

Mia: Oh, you just never say his name and it was weird to hear it coming out of your mouth 

I fill up the vase and put the roses in it. I start headed up to my room with the roses. 

Mom: Mia Lydia Hernandez.. get over here. 

I set the vase down on the coffee table and walk over to her. 

Mia: What? 

Mom: I can't believe you that you would think that I wouldn't say my own son's name

Mia: Well, I mean.. you never called him Mason 

Mom: What would I call him 

Mia: I don't know but around me.. you would never say his name. It's like you didn't love him. He texted me a few days ago. Asking how you were. Seems to care more about you than I do

Mom: Don't speak to me that way 

Mia: Why not.. after what I found out a few months ago.. I think I can

Mom: And what's that? 

Mia: When I was always at a friends or just never around.. you would beat Mason. I'm surprise dad didn't use that against you. I'm even surprised that they didn't lock you up then and there

Mom: Mia... he lied to you. Mason lied to you. 

Mia: It wasn't Mason who told me. It was Dad. He was always home, watching. 

Mom: Don't believe anything your father says 

Mia: Why not? 


My eyes start to get teary. 

Mia: What? 

Mom: You're adopted

I just left it at that. I grabbed the vase and ran upstairs. I grabbed a duffel from out of my closet and start packing up everything. Clothes, stuff for my phone, everything that was important. I waited till my mom went to the store. When she drove off, I grabbed my bag and left. About 10 minutes of walking, I get to Daniel's house and knocked on the door. Daniel answered. I was in tears. 

Daniel: Mia... what's wrong 

Mia: Is your mom home? 

Daniel: She has a late shift tonight. What's wrong. 

Mia: Can I stay with you for a while? I don't wanna be home right now. 

Daniel looks down at my bags. 

Daniel: Of course. Come in

I walk into the house. I guess I was going to be staying there for a while. 

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