Part 32

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Isabella: Are you pregnant?

Mia: Yes!!..yes I am

Isabella: Oh Mia..don't cry. It's ok. I'll help you out with everything I promise.

Isabella came and gave me a hug and I hugged tightly while I was still crying. Isabella pulled away and looked like she was about to ask another question.

Isabella: Is it Daniels?

Mia: Omg! Yes it is!

Isabella: Ok sorry. Just making sure.

Mia: Look, I'm sorry that things aren't so peachy with you and Zach but that doesn't mean you can call me a slut.

Isabella: No one is calling you that. I just wanted to protect you.

Mia: Protect yourself! I'm fine. You don't have to care for me, that's what Daniel is for.

Isabella: Yeah ok. Whatever. I just trying to help.

Mia: Don't!

Isabella looked at her shoes for a while and then went back inside the room. I waited a minute or two till I went back in. I wanted to punch a wall.

I walked back into the room and saw Isabella getting her stuff. She just ignored me.

Daniel: What's going on? What happened?

Isabella: None of your concern Daniel.

Mia: Don't snap at my boyfriend!

Isabella: Shut up. I can do whatever I want. You can't control me.

Isabella started heading for the door when she was stopped by Noel.

Noel: Where are you going?

Isabella: LA

Everyone: What?!?

Noel: Again?

Isabella: I'm so sorry Noel. I'm really sorry

With that, she left. We didn't know what to do. We all just stayed silent. I pulled Daniel into the bathroom and locked the door.

Daniel: What's wrong Mi-

Mia: I'm pregnant.

Daniel: What?

Mia: You're going to be a dad.

Daniel: You're joking.

Mia: I'm not. That's what Isabella asked me but I guess she doesn't seem
happy about it.

Daniel: Just know..I'm going to love this child..boy or girl..I'm going to love it to death.

Mia: I know you will.

Daniel: Let's go back out

Mia: Also, don't tell anyone.

Daniel: Got it.

We went back to the group and we saw Zach get up.

Zach: I'm going to get some fresh air.

Jack: Don't wander off.

Zach: Understood.

Zach left and then a couple hours passed. Zach wasn't back yet. We didn't know where he was and why he wasn't back.

Jacque: Where is he?

Jack: I swear..if he is anywhere where he isn't supposed to be..

Jonah: I'm calling our manager.

Corbyn: No, I'll do it. You rest.

Noel: Isabella won't answer me.

While everyone was trying to find where Zach was, we heard a familiar voice.

Zach: Hey guys. Whatcha doing?

Everyone: Zach!

We all ran up to him asking if he was ok and if he got hurt. I saw Isabella from the corner of my eye. Jack grabbed Isabella and took her outside. Once Jack came back in, I went outside.

Outside of the hotel, I saw Isabella and she turned around.

Mia: I just want to apologize for what I said to you earlier. I never meant to hurt you or cause you to leave.

Isabella: Thank you for the apology but, I'm not going to accept it.

Mia: What? Why?

Isabella: Because Mia, what you said really hurt me and I almost left Noel again. I never want to leave her. Ever. So just..just give me some time to be on my own for now and then maybe we can have this conversation again.

Mia: Ok I understand, take all the time you need.

I went back up to the room. When I came in, everyone was looking at me.

Mia: What?

Jonah: Nothing....

Mia: Nope there is something up..what is it?

Zach: Nope..nothing is up.

Mia: Now I know something is up..tell me.

Jacque: If you guys won't say it. I will

Mia: Tell me.

Jacque: Are you pregnant with Daniel's baby?

When Jacque said that, my mind went blank and we were there in dead silence.

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