Part 19

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(Anna's POV)

Anna: This can't be....

Sarah: Oh but it is... she's my "half" sister. Since she's adopted..I wouldn't count it

Anna: Why me?

Sarah: You're so vulnerable. Saw you in the courtroom and everything.. so weak

Anna: You were stalking me?

Sarah: Not stalking but keeping an eye on you


Sarah: Not until Mia is gone.. I'll let you go once she finds out and I make her a a little deal

Anna: She won't take it

Sarah: Oh but she will.. I'll call her..using your phone

Anna: No don't....

(Mia's POV)

As we are all panicking and wondering where Anna is. I get a call coming from my phone..

Mia:'s Anna

Zach: Answer it!!! Put it on speaker

Mia: Hello?

Sarah: Hello Mia

Mia: Who is this

Sarah: Your "half" sister.. Sarah

Mia: No....

Sarah: Yes

Mia: What do you want

Sarah: For you to leave LA..forever

Mia: No.....I won't

Sarah: Oh but you will. If you want Anna alive


Sarah: Hush! and Daniel meet me at the old amusement park at the fun house in Venice. Just you and him and I'll tell you the rest

Sarah hangs up and we're all in shock

Jonah: Do you plan on leaving LA

Mia: I don't want to

Ashley: She has more up her sleeve so there could be more

Zach: Mia... you gotta save her. She means so much to me

Mia: Daniel.... shall we go?

Daniel: Let's go get my sister back

Daniel and I head off to the old amusement park in Venice when the sun was about to set. We get to the fun house and look around for Anna. We see her from a distance and start running to her.

Mia: Anna!!

Sarah: Not so fast there honey

Daniel: Let's us go and we'll be on our way.. with no harm

Sarah: What... are you gonna shoot me like you did Connor. Sad to see him go

Anna: Mia!! Help!!!

Sarah:'re probably wondering what the rest of the deal is?

Mia: Just tell me

Sarah: First off, you have to leave LA..for good. Then the last part is to...break up with your little boy you over there and then shoot the leg

Anna: NO!

Mia: Sarah...why?

Daniel: Mia... you know I love you.. please

Sarah: So do what I tell you..and you get precious Anna back. Once you break up and shoot Daniel. You can take them home but you have to leave LA within the next 12 hours.. deal or no deal?

I run over to Daniel and whisper him something in his ear

Mia: *whispering* Daniel.. I love you too but I have too.. I'm sorry

I back away and walk toward Sarah. She hands me a hand gun. I load it and point toward him.

Daniel: Mia....

Mia: Daniel... I'm sorry but we're done.. forever

I pull the trigger and aim for his leg. The bullet enters. Daniel screams in pain. Anna is let go and she runs to Daniel.

Sarah: 12 hours.. starting now. Leave

All 3 of us head to the car and we rush home. Anna takes Daniel to the couch when I rush upstairs to pack everything that I had at Daniel's place. I also booked a plane ticket to New York because I had some family out there and they love when I come to visit..even for the longest time. I could also check up on Christina. I get my stuff and head out of the house using the back door so no one can see me. I head back to my house and get the rest of the stuff I needed. I paid for an Uber and made my way to the airport.

(Daniel's POV)

When we get home, Anna sets me up on the couch and everyone starts crowding around me.

Sydnie: What the hell happened

Daniel: Mia had too. She didn't want to but she did

Jonah: Damn

Anna: Here...put pressure on it.

Everyone was so focused on me that no one went to check on Mia. After about a good hour, Jack heads up to my room to check on Mia. Jack rushes down the stairs.

Jack: Mia's..gone

Corbyn: Did she really leave LA?

Ava: I hope she didn't

Daniel: I guess me and her are also done

Ashley: WHAT?!

Anna: She had to. It was part of Sarah's deal

Jonah: We gotta find her and convince her to stay. No matter what Sarah says

Daniel: I have to stay.. go find her

Everyone but Anna leaves to go find her. At her house, the store, everywhere but the airport

(Mia's POV)

I finally arrived at the airport and waited for my plane to board. I had all the boys texting me where I was but I wasn't responding. I was mostly texting my family about how I was gonna be with them for a while. My plane finally got called and I boarded the plane. About 45 minutes later, we took off. I was away from LA..forever..never to see the boys, the girls or Daniel ever again. I was gone for good. I did my part of the deal.

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