Part 22

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Skye: Mia. Wake up. We have to go to the airport.

Mia: Okay. Be right down.

It was around 2pm and right now our family was on a flight to New York. I get up and throw on some clothes. I put my hair in a high ponytail and brush my teeth. I head downstairs with all my things and leave with Skye to go to the airport. The kids were off at school and Adam was at work. We get into the car and start driving to the airport.

Skye: How'd you sleep

Mia: I've been sleeping a lot better

Skye: I bet. LA is chaotic

Mia: It sure is

Skye: Do you have a boyfriend back in LA?

Mia: Kind of

Skye: What do you mean kind of?

Mia: It's a long story that we don't have time for

Skye: I understand

Mia: Thanks

About 45 minutes later, we arrive at the airport and had to wait an hour for them. We just sit outside the gate and casually waited. We got some Starbucks to keep us awake.. or at least me awake. The plane landed and Skye was looking for them. I was just going through my social media and all the text messages everyone kept sending me.

Skye: Mia.. they're here!

I look up and see Skye run up to 2 girls. They looked familiar and they hugged for a really long time. Skye kept asking them questions, I finally get off of my phone and walked toward them.

Mia: Aunt Skye, they just got off the plane. Let them relax a bit

Skye: Right, sorry. I'm just so excited to see you both. You two have grown so much.

?: It's nice to see you too Aunt Skye

Mia: I'm Mia. You must be Isabella and Noel right?

Isabella: Yeah, we know who you are. Remember when we were 5 and Noel was 2 and we would always sneak Reeses in my room and try and feed Noel them?

Mia: Oh yeah. I remember. Then the next day she would throw up all over Austin. That was so funny

Isabella: Yeah. He smelled for a week

Noel: You really have to bring that up?

Isabella: Oh come on sis. It was the best day of everyone's life and you know it

Noel: Whatever

We pack up their suitcases in the car and we drove home. When we got home, they went to their rooms and started unpacking. I went into my room and threw on Netflix. After Isabella and Noel were done settling in, the whole family just hung out for the rest of the day. It was nice seeing family that I haven't seen in a while since I was little. It was weird not seeing Austin with them. I really missed him.

(Jack's POV)

We all met at the airport to head to New York. It was really early in the morning but our flight got delayed until 11am. We all just chilled until we flew off.

Jacque: Why are we going to New York anyway?

Jack: Thought we could use a break

Daniel: But I would rather know where Mia is

Corbyn: Well, I'm glad that we are going because I can check up on Christina and her baby bump. I just wanna know the gender already

Jacque: You have to wait for about 3 more months

Corbyn: That's too long

Jonah: We also have a lot of fans in New York so this will be fun

Ashley: Has Mia been responding to you guys?

All: Nope

Anna: I wish she would respond

Zach: The closest I've gotten is being left on read

Sydnie: She left me on delivered

Ava: Same

Announcer: Anyone on the flight to New York.... we are now boarding

Jack: That's our cue

We all go to the gate and board the plane. For the next 5 hours, we sat on the plane. We all fell asleep one at a time. When the plane landed, we got our stuff and headed to the hotel. Zach and I shared a room Jonah, Corbyn and Daniel shared a room but Corbyn got the couch that turns into a bed. Anna, Jacque and Ashley shared a room. Sydnie and Ava shared a room. Our rooms were all connected which was pretty cool. We all got settled and had some dinner. The rest of the night, we chilled and went to bed. That next day, I would be going to find Mia, but the gang didn't know that they are going to be joining me.

A/n: Hi everyone I'm doing a story collab with @april040502 so go check out her story which is called "The Love That Was Never There"

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