Part 9

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The next morning, I wake up and turn over and see Daniel. He looks at me and smiles. 

Daniel: Good morning princess

Mia: Good morning. What's the time? 

Daniel: 6am and it's FRIDAY

Mia: Ugh!

Daniel: Not a morning person? 

Mia: Haha. No 

Daniel gets out of bed and gets changed. 

Mia: Are your parents okay with me staying here. 

Daniel comes out of the bathroom. Daniel comes over to the bed and drags me out of bed. 

Daniel: Well, let's go meet them

Mia: Wait.. now? 

Daniel: Uhh yeah

Daniel picks me and we walk down the stairs to the kitchen. I see Anna in her pajamas already eating breakfast. I see his mom making breakfast for Daniel and his dad watching TV. I walk with Daniel to the kitchen awkwardly. 

Mom: Good morning Daniel... uhhh.. Dani.. who's this? 

Daniel: This is Mia. She's my.... 

Anna: You can say girlfriend.. don't have to ashamed. 

Dad: What did I hear? Daniel has a girlfriend? 

Mom: Be happy for him

Dad: I am

Daniel: Well.. she's here because I guess she didn't feel comfortable in her house and this is the only place she could come to. 

Mom: Is she new at school? 

Anna: Yeah but she's a great addition

Mia: Aww thank you 

Dad: I saw a whole bunch of rose petals in the garbage.. were they for her

Anna: Yeah they were. It was a whole part of his plan to ask her out to homecoming 

Mom: Mia.... did you say yes? 

Mia: Yeah.... I did 

Mom: Mia.. you can get ready if you want. Breakfast won't be ready for another 15 minutes 

Mia: Oh.. okay 

I head upstairs and get ready. 

(Daniel's POV) 

When Mia left and shut my bedroom door, I realized my mom and dad were going to say something about her. 

Mom: Can I just say she's prettier than the last one

Anna: She is so much prettier! I agree 100 percent! 

Dad: You better keep her

Daniel: Wait... you guys are okay with one of the girls I like? 

Mom: She's better than the last one 

Daniel: I guess you'll be seeing her a lot more 

Mom: What do you mean? 

Daniel: Well, I don't think Mia wants to go to her house for a long time. She showed up last night in tears 

Anna: What? 

Daniel: Yeah so my question is... can she stay here until she is ready to go back home

Dad: Who's know when that'll be. But hey, I'm fine with it

Mom: Where would she sleep

Daniel: Well with me.. but don't worry.. nothing bad will happen. I swear 

Mom: Well I mean I'm fine with it

Daniel: You guys are serious

Mom and Dad: Yeah

Anna: Mia's gonna be with us!! Yay!!

Right as we finish our conversation, Mia comes down and sits down in between Anna and I. 

Mom: Just in time

(Mia's POV)

After I get ready, I head downstairs and sit in between Anna and Daniel. Daniel's mom hands me a plate of blueberry pancakes and some orange juice. After we ate, Anna got up to get ready. About 20 minutes later, we get all our stuff and head out the door. 

Mom: Have a great day at school kids 

Daniel and Anna: Bye Mom and Dad, Love you!

Mia: Bye and thank you. 

We get in the car and drive off to school. Anna heads to her class while Daniel and I just sit in the car, ditching the boys. 

Daniel: Homecoming is only a week away. You excited? 

Mia: Yeah, now that I have a cute date

We both smile. 

Daniel: Anna will probably wanna go dress shopping

Mia: I don't have a problem with that. You and the boys can all go suit shopping

Daniel: Yeah that's true. That'll be tomorrow

Mia: And I'll be waking up beside you 

Daniel: Mia... I don't want to get into any personal business but I wanna show you that I care so... what happened at your house last night 

Mia: So I came home and I kind of confessed to my mom that I knew that she used to beat my brother and that I wished they locked her up. Then she yelled at me saying that I shouldn't trust anything my father says because he's not my real father

Daniel: Wait does that mean.... 

Mia: If you're thinking adopted yep.. I'm adopted

Daniel: Mia... I'm so sorry

Mia: Don't be. Makes me feel worse about myself

Daniel: You shouldn't feel bad about yourself because you are the most smart, funny and the prettiest girl I have ever met. My parents approve of you.. that's saying a lot. I'm glad that we are where we are. 

Daniel then leans in and gives me a kiss on the cheek. 

Daniel: Come on. Let's go to class

We get out of the car. As we are heading to Math, Daniel grabs my hand and interlocks it with his. Not gonna lie it felt good. The rest of the day seemed pretty normal and Anna, Daniel and I headed back home. Couple hours later, Daniel's parents get home and we all have dinner together. After dinner, Daniel and I headed up to his room and had a movie marathon. Next thing I know I pass out with me in his arms and for once in my whole life. I felt safe. It wasn't gonna be like that a week later. 

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