Part 5

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(Daniel's POV)

I seemed to hurt Mia's feelings and I kind of want to talk to her about it at lunch. When the bell rang for lunch. I saw the girls' table but I didn't see Mia. I walk over with the boys to the table.

Daniel: Hey sis, do you know where Mia is? 

Anna: She might've gone home early. Maybe she didn't feel good

Her and Sydnie exchanged a weird look. I give a look to Jack. 

Jack: Syd, do you know where Mia is? You tell me everything. Come on. 

Sydnie: She's gone 

Zach: Like....dead? 

Anna: No, she left the school 

Jonah: Did her mom take her out 

Sydnie: She snuck out 

Daniel: Where to? 

Sydnie: I said I wouldn't say 

Daniel: Please 

Sydnie: She said she was meeting someone at the Beverly Hills Hotel

Daniel: I gotta go

Jonah: I'm coming to 

Ashley: Guys, you can't leave the property 

Daniel: We have off-ground passes for lunch. Lets go 

Anna: Be careful 

Jonah and I got into the car and started driving off to the hotel. 

(Mia's POV)

Connor: So what brings you here. Shouldn't you be in school?

Right as he finishes his sentence, I kiss him. We haven't done that since we broke up. It felt so nice. 

Mia: Uh, sorry 

Connor: Don't be 

Mia: I had to get away from someone and I couldn't go home. It'd be too easy to find me 

Connor: Did they try to hurt you? 

Mia: No, they just mentioned something that hit me and I see him at lunch and I didn't want to see him 

Connor: Was it your boyfriend, Daniel? 

Right as he said that I remember what happened yesterday at the Grove. I didn't want to think that Daniel was lying. 

Mia: No, Daniel didn't do it.

Connor: Why not go to him

Mia: It's complicated

Then something clicked in my head and I got up . 

Mia: I'm sorry, I gotta go. I can't be doing this 

Connor: Mia.. are you still mad at me? 

Mia: For breaking my heart? For cheating on me? Uh, yeah. Which is why I shouldn't be here. 

I slammed the door in his face and headed down to the lobby. As I was walking toward the doors I see two familiar faces. It was Daniel and Jonah. 

Mia: How did you find me? Was it Sydnie? Was it Anna? 

Daniel: Sydnie can't keep a lie from Jack 

Mia: Just leave me alone 

Daniel: What did I do? 

Mia: That question you asked this morning

Jonah: What about it? 

Mia: It hit me real hard and I couldn't stand to see him at lunch

Daniel: We could've talked it out 

Jonah: What was it about? 

Mia: Family

My eyes start to get all teary eyed. I give Jonah a look to leave.

Jonah: I'll be in the car 

Jonah leaves and Daniel sits me down and I wipe my tears. 

Mia: You wanna know. Ill tell you 

Daniel: I'm listening 

Mia: So these past few years have been utterly a piece of crap. Connor cheated on me and we split like 2 months ago. There was arguing between my parents non stop and then they finally got a divorce. They got it like a week before Mason graduated high school. The judge said that I had to live with my mom because she said that my dad was abusive and they didn't want me in that environment. So my mom packed me and her up and moved us out to LA. Mason is at the university in my home state and my dad..well I don't know where he is right now. Hasn't made contact with me since May. I also have a half sister because he slept with another woman. I've have many chances to meet her but I don't want to. She can go rot. 

I couldn't go on anymore. I just bursted into tears and Daniel came and gave me a big hug. 

Daniel: I'm so sorry Mia. I'm sorry you had to go through that. I'm gonna take Jonah back to school and then I'm gonna take you back to my house. Okay? 

Mia: Okay. 

We got up and drove back to the school to drop off Jonah then we drove to his house. We walk inside and he takes me to his room. 

Daniel: Here, get into bed. You can take a nap while I do some chores and pick Anna when school gets out. 

Mia: Okay. 

I climbed into his bed and instantly fell asleep. I never knew Daniel cared so much about me. He barely knows me. But I didn't mind it. 

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