Part 27

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The next morning, Daniel and I woke up to Noel screaming at me.

Noel: Isabella's gone!!

Mia: What are you talking about?

Noel: We have to find her

Daniel: She has to be here

Noel: She left a note and everything

Mia: Well, do you wanna look for her

Noel: Obviously lets go

Noel only gave Daniel, Zach and I ten minutes to get ready. We looked all over the mall for hours and we couldn't find her.

Noel: Where is she?

Zach: Noel, we'll find her

Noel: I don't want her to leave me. She's basically raised me and made me who I am...

Corbyn: Maybe I can help....

Mia: Corbyn.....

Noel: How?

Corbyn: I saw her getting into a car and I tried to call for her but she bolted but I did hear her say where she was going.

Mia: Where?

Corbyn: Airport


Zach: Thank you...

Corbyn: You're welcome. I know you like Isabella

Daniel: What about Anna?

Zach: I'll deal with it later..let's go

We got an Uber and headed to the airport. Noel was freaking out and would not stop moving. We got to the airport and started looking around all over for her.

We found Isabella at the airport passed security. She turned around and saw us. She was walking toward us.

Isabella: What are you guys doing here?

Noel: We came to stop you from leaving.

Isabella: You don't understand. I have to

Mia: No you don't. We can talk about this. But just please don't run away

Isabella: I'm not running away

Zach: Isabella please. Come back to the house with us and we can talk about this.

We heard a flight number being called.

Isabella: That's me. I have to go

Noel: No! You can't leave me. promised

Noel looked like she was on the verge of crying. The flight number was called again.

Isabella: I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, but I have to go

Zach: No you don't Isabella

Isabella: Yes, yes I do. You don't understand. But in time you will. All of you

Isabella hugged Noel and go into the plane and she didn't look back.

Noel saw her whole life leave and she broke down crying in the middle of the airport.

Mia: Let's get you home

Noel: Okay...

We got home and Noel ran straight to her room. She didn't come out the rest of the day. I felt so bad..I wish I could do something

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