Part 15

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It was the next day and we had another trial day. This time we didn't know what was going to happen. Anyone could've been called to the stand and at this point it is every man or woman for their own. The trial begins. 

Judge: Ladies and Gentleman. I have got news that Mr. Daniel Seavey will be taking the stand today 

Daniel gets up from sitting next to Mia and heads to the stand. He takes the oath and makes himself comfortable while Parker and his team discuss. Parker walks up to Daniel. 

Parker: Daniel.. tell me in full detail homecoming night 

Daniel: Well, me and my friends went to the dance. After the dance, I drove us all to Denny's and we got some food. After that, we just went home 

Parker: Anything happen before you guys went home and you guys finishing your guys' food?

Daniel: Yeah. Mia got taken by some psychopath and almost got killed 

Parker: But someone else got killed in order to save her 

Daniel: She's more important 

Parker: Every human being is important 

Daniel: Sometimes not 

Parker: Did you do anything to save her 

Daniel: Yeah. I did 

Parker: What did you do 

Daniel: I shot him obviously 

Danvers: Seavey... what are you doing?

Daniel: Trust me 

Parker: You're confessing?

Daniel: Sure am

The whole room murmurs. Anna and Mia start to tear up but trying not to hold cry out loud in that whole court room. Jonah takes Anna and puts her on his lap and puts her head down in his shoulder. Everyone else is just shocked. 

Parker: Why?

Daniel: Why what?

Parker: Why are you confessing?

Daniel: Because I did it. I got the gun and pulled the trigger. Simple as that. Yes, I was doing it to save Mia because she was in a sticky situation. But, this is what you want Parker.. for someone to come clean.. to confess. Well, I did. I confessed. 100 percent 

Parker: Do you think Connor was a psychopath and mentally ill

Daniel: Yes. Even the papers prove. I don't think it can get an clearer than that 

Parker: Do you think you did a second-hand self defense for Mia?

Daniel: 100 percent. To the moon and back. But I have a feeling you guys may want to add a couple of more suspects and new theories to your little list there Parker

Parker: Why?

Daniel: Don't ask questions. The new suspects you should look into are: Kaiya White and Emily Hernandez

Parker: Who's Emily Hernandez

Mia: M-my mom..

Everyone gasps. Kaiya's face turns white. Anna heads comes up from Jonah's shoulder and wipes her tears. 

Parker: What are the new theories?

Daniel: That Kaiya or Mrs. Hernandez sent Connor do spy on Mia and then told him to kill her. Get Mia out of the picture once and for all 

Parker: What do you get out of it?

Daniel: For me and Mia to be set free WITHOUT parole until you have proven that Mia or I did it on purpose. There are 2 perfectly good suspects that you can look into. One is in this courthouse as we speak and another one is at work.. not giving a damn that her daughter is in a courthouse right now. 

Parker gives the judge a look. 

Judge: I now announce that Mia and Daniel must be released and sent home without parole until proven guilty. End of meeting

The judge bangs the gavel and a whole sense of relief fills the room. Mia and Daniel both give each other a hug and run out to see the others. 

Anna: DANIEL!!!!

Daniel: Hey there Anna. I missed you 

Anna: I missed you too. MIA!!

Mia: Hey there!!!

Ava: It feels good to have you back

Daniel: It does feel good to be back. How you holding up Zach?

Zach: I'm getting there 

Jonah: We all spent time with out families last night and for me it felt really nice

Jack: We've been so caught up in all this.. that we didn't really get to see them 

Sydnie: Isla was super happy 

Zach: Reese was too 

Mia: Did anything new happen while we've been gone 

Ashley: Well.. Christina has a bun in to the oven 

Mia: No.. you're kidding 

Christina: We're not 

Corbyn: 100 percent serious 

Daniel: Dude! That's amazing. I'm proud for the both of you 

Mia: Daniel.. why did you use my mom's name as a suspect?

Daniel: From all the things you told me and she also didn't show up to any of the meeting so it seemed suspicious

Mia: I'm not mad. She should be in jail anyway. I'll testify against her any day 

Anna: Should we all go to my house and watch some movies?

Mia: I would love that 

We all head home and we all plop on the couch and watch movies all day. We also ate a whole bunch. Next thing we know, we're all passed out on the couch. All bunched up in blankets and laying on top of one another. Daniel woke up and realized that Mia was passed out so he carried her to his bed and they slept in there. Today was good and happy day. The friends were all back together and they knew life wouldn't be the same but at least they were going through it together. 

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