Part 4

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I wake up to the sound of my alarm buzzing. I realize that the time is 6:00. I rush out of bed to get ready because Daniel and Anna would be here in 45 minutes. I put on a light blue off the shoulder top, blue jeans and some white vans. I just let my hair down and brushed it out because my hair is pretty straight. As I'm about to go downstairs to grab a granola bar and water I get a text message. I thought it was from Daniel but it was from my brother, Mason. 

*Text Messages* 

Mason: Hey little sis 

Mia: Hey big bro

Mason: How's LA treating you 

Mia: Just fine. How's college 

Mason: Lot's of hard work. You making it through senior year? 

Mia: I mean it's only my second day but yeah 

Mason: You have to start applying for colleges 

Mia: I wanna see where my LA friends are going and then I'll decide 

Mason: Friends always have to separate for a reason even for college and the future 

Mia: Wise words :) I have to go my ride is gonna be any minute now 

Mason: Okay. I gotta head off anyway. But first tell me how mom is doing 

Mia: She could be better. She's working hard. Don't know how she is emotionally

Mason: Well keep me updated. Bye Mia I love you 

Mia: Bye I love you too

Right as I end my conversation with Mason, Daniel pulls up with Anna in the backseat. I put all my stuff in the trunk and we head off. 

Daniel: Good morning sleepyhead 

Mia: I could've had 15 extra minutes of sleep

Anna: Wow Daniel. Don't you understand a girl needs her beauty sleep 

Daniel: She doesn't need it because she is already beautiful

Daniel glances at me and I blush a little. The rest of the time we sat in awkward silence. We finally park in the parking lot and head into the school. Anna headed to her class and I was about to walk by myself but Daniel said something. 

Daniel: Uh where do you think you're going? 

Mia: To walk around 

Daniel: No, you are coming with me to hang out with the boys 

Mia: They're already here?!

Daniel: Yeah, our siblings have the same class

Mia: Oh okay 

Daniel and I head to the spot where they were the morning before. Everyone was there. 

Daniel: Hey wassup guys 

Boys: Wassup

Jonah: Well Mia, fancy seeing you here 

Mia: Daniel dragged me along 

Jonah: I'm glad he did 

Jonah then winks at me and then I blush. The boys all did a little handshake. 

Mia: Wait. Zach do you have any siblings who go here? 

Zach: Nah, I have a little brother named Ryan and little sister named Reese 

Mia: Oh cool, I have older brother named Mason

Jack: Guess the letter M runs in the family 

Mia: In the kids names, yeah, I guess 

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