Chapter 1

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Lynn's POV

My body aches, my exposed skin stinging with every move I make. I slowly push the huge wooden doors open and make my way to the second floor. I could feel a warm liquid trickle from my nose, grazing my top lip. My ribs screaming at me as I put all my weight on the glass in front of me "Five-0" neatly written across the front in white letters. I winced at sharp needle like pain as shooting through my entire body as I pushed the door open.

I watched the familiar blonde stand there gaze fixed on the Television screen in front of him. His small stocky figure perched up in the corner. My presence not being noted just yet. His hands stuffed viciously into the pockets of his dress pants. I admired the black haired man next to him. His stoic figure towering next to the blonde's arms crossed.

I sighed which caused the duo to turn around guns aimed. Eyes harsh and strong. I waved my hands up in defence wincing at the pain from my current injuries. The blonde's eyes softened when he realized who the true intruder was. Giving a reassuring nod to his black-haired companion before tucking their guns back into their holsters. I sighed in relief and put my arms down. Walking towards the pair before the darkness engulfed me.

As I regained consciousness. My eyes stung at the first peak of light which causes me to squint hard trying to let them adjust. Groaning I clutched my head opening my eyes fully this time. The blonde now kneeled over me his brows furrowed with concern just like his friend next to him. I tried to sit up causing a wince to escape my lips.

"Take it easy, You took quite the fall" The stoic brunette chimed

"Where am I?" I ask scanning my surroundings

"You're at the Hawaii" the blonde trails off grabbing my hand.

"How hard did you hit your head?" the brunette probed expecting my head wound with his hands.

Which only made the pain worse. I sent him a glare and he removed his hand quickly.

"Just get up when your ready" he instructs getting up off the floor. I took a deep breath following his actions shortly after.

"Wanna talk in my office?" He offered I nodded dusting off my leggings.

We walked through yet another glass door and into an office with a large desk in the middle of the room. I sighed plopping down on the dark brown leather couch in the corner. Looking around the office there was two leather dark brown placed neatly in front of the desk.

Man this place has a lot of glass?

"I'm Commander Steve McGarrett" the brunette smiles holding his hand out for me to shake.

"I'm Lynn,...Lynn Williams" I replied shaking his hand.

Did I mention Steve is actually really hot?

Danny complains a lot about Steve. Even though he and I both know the blonde would take a bullet for him any day. I couldn't help, but be a tad bit jealous of the brotherly love the two shared.

"What happened?" Danny questioned.

"I tried to break up with Connor" I mumbled trying my best not to make eye contact with the duo.

"Who's Connor?" Steve chimed.

"My asshole ex-boyfriend." I sighed running my hands through my curly blonde hair.

"Can you explain the situation a little better?" Steve asks his arms crossed over his chest. As he and Danny stood there in front of me waiting for me to tell them about the events that took place earlier today.

Darkside (Steve McGarrett Fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora