Chapter 24

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Sweat drips from my forehead as I send punch after punch onto the punching bag. Since I been released from the hospital I've been training. I'm a fighter, I served in the Navy. I am not a coward and I will not give second chances anymore. 

Grabbing my towel off to the side, I dry off before chugging some of the water from my metal water bottle. The doorbell rings catching my attention, taking my water bottle I head over to the door opening it reveal Danny and Steve. "Wow you are alive, that'd be nice to know if you'd answer your phone." Danny says sassily. I drink more water giving him a look, "I've been a bit busy, sorry if I worried you guys." I tell them. 

"Busy with what?" Steve asks placing his hands on his hips. I sigh opening the door and heading towards my personal gym. Both my brother and Steve follow behind me as I walk down the hall to the door at the very end leading to the basement. 

I converted it into a gym and my office in a hidden bunker. "You've been training?" Steve asks in awe. I have basic machines but I'd rather practice on the punching bag. I make my way over wrapping my hands before I start nailing the punching bag over and over again. "Remember what I taught you, legs further apart and pull your arm back a bit more," Steve instructs as I follow his direction landing the perfect right hook. 

I step back out of breathe, "So what are you training for?" Steve asks. "Uh nothing." I reply as I take the wrap off my hands. "Nothing? really, you've been dodging us for the last 4 weeks since you got out of the hospital. So what are you training for?" Danny asks losing his patience, "I'm not letting the past repeat itself again." I reply. "Could you be more unspecific?" Danny retorts beginning to irritate me. 

"Danny lose the sass I'm not some suspect you're interrogating with full immunity." I snap giving him a look. "Actually you are a person of interest, we're looking for Wo Fat." Danny says returning a similar look. "And what makes you think I know where he is?" I reply crossing my arms. "It's not like we all meet at the, my dad's a sociopath bar and grill Daniel." I retort causing Steve to chuckle as I walk over to wall pushing on a brick causing the wall to shift into a door like something out of Harry Potter. 

"What is it with you and secret rooms?" Steve asks, "It's only natural for us to hid things we don't want people to see." I reply as I walk through the doorway to reveal my secret bunker and office where I've been hunting down Wo-Fat. "So this is what you've been doing?" Steve asks looking at the maps on the walls with drawings and photos of Wo Fat I took last week. 

"I tend to keep tabs on the people who try to kill me." I reply as I walk over to my safe on the walk unlocking it before pulling out a couple knives hidding them on my right thigh and left calf. "What are you doing?" Steve asks, "Don't ask questions you don't want the answers to." I reply as I walk over to the metal cabinet in the corner. "Lynn what is going on?" Danny asks as I unlock the cabinet that leads to a tunnel that has 1 weapons room before letting out 2 miles down the road. 

"Sorry guys." I tell them as I close the door leaving them in my office giving me a head start on Wo-Fat. I begin running down the dark and damp tunnel until I reach the gun room. Putting the combination in the door unlocks. Pushing it open I walk in grabbing a Glock 22 putting it in my waist band and pulling my shirt over the weapon as I run towards the exit of the tunnel where I left a motorcycle with gloves and a helmet. 

After everything went down with Chris I decided to train myself Navy style. I'm going after Wo Fat and I will be the one to put him down for good. I finally reach the motorcycle putting the gloves and helmet on before climbing on and kick-starting the engine before zipping down the tunnel and out the exit into a field 2 miles from the house. 

I zip onto the road cutting off a silver Honda before making my way towards the docks. It doesn't take long before sirens start behind me. With a smirk, I speed up cutting into a narrow alleyway getting back onto the main road only to see my brother's black mustang. Fuck! I zip past them heading towards the shipping yard. I lose them behind a couple storage units and kill the bike leaving the helmet on as I drag the motorcycle into a storage bin before making my way towards the building staying out of sight. The last thing I need is to get caught by HPD before this is over. 

I sneak inside the building taking out the goons at the door with chloroform. I sneak in making my way down a hall. As I near the end of the hall I draw the gun sneakily checking to see if the coast is clear which it is. I turn the corner leading down another hallway, as I near the end of the hall I can hear talking. 

Slowly I take a breathe as I stand with my back against the wall. I smirk as I reach into the pocket of the cargo pants I'm wearing pulling out a stun grenade. I pull the pin tossing it down the hall as I cover my ears. A loud bang sounds and I move in zip tying the two men on the ground as I push open the door they're guarding with my gun up. 

Standing at the other end of the room is Wo Fat with a smirk on his face. "I'm quite impressed, how'd you get in?" he asks casually as if I'm not pointing a Glock 22 at his head. I load the gun stepping forward towards him. "Okay, I should at least get to see my killer before I die," he says. I roll my eye and shoot the wall next to me. I reload stepping forward as I shoot him in the crotch, he screams in pain falling to the floor in pain. 

"You son of a bitch," he yells as I point the gun at him as I pull off my helmet. "That's right, I am a son of a bitch, but that's because I WAS FORCED TO BE ONE," I yell. "LYNN Williams put the gun down," Steve yells from behind me. "I CAN'T  DO THAT." I reply, "Yes you can, we can book him here and now and he'll go away for good." he says causing me to laugh a little. "HE'LL ESCAPE AND THEN COME BACK FOR US. HE WILL TRY TO KILL US." I yell back. "He won't escape I will make sure he won't just put the gun down," Steve says. "Our child isn't growing up on the run or afraid because of this monster," I reply as I look Wo Fat in the eyes and pull the trigger. A tear falls from my eyes as I stand there looking at him as I set the gun on the floor slowly placing my hands on the back of my head, interlacing my fingers. 


Hey guys that was the end of Darkside I'm going to be making a sequel. 

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