Chapter 20

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Steve and I are sitting in the chair in his backyard watching the sunrise with a cup of tea in hand. "Wanna talk about it?" he asks yawning he just woke up whereas I never went to sleep in the first place. My gaze stays on the light beginning to brighten the 6 am skyline as I sip some tea.  

"When you came back from overseas did certain things trigger memories that ever made you feel powerless?" I ask looking at Steve who looks down at his shoes before meeting my gaze. "Yeah I have." He replies, "How'd you deal with it?" I ask chewing the inside of my cheek nervously. "I talked to someone I trusted about it because bottling it up ate me up inside until it started affecting my day to day life," he replies. 

I sigh knowing the only way this is going to get better is if I talk about what's going on in my head. "Taylor called me a week ago and told me Chris was looking for me. He was supposed to be on tour with Drake in Europe. It just brought it back, the screaming and yelling and-" I pause looking down to the ground taking a couple deep breathes. "You're doing good Lynn, I know this isn't easy and I appreciate you opening up to me," Steve tells me as he pats my back. 

My body flinches at the unexpected touch, "Sorry" I whisper looking up at Steve who has a hurt look on his face. "I would clean the house every day and clean I was literally almost his trophy wife." I add laughing a little at the thought. "You a trophy wife? I can't see it." Steve says cracking a smile, "I can't either but love makes people do stupid things." I reply my smile dropping. "Chris would come from the studio drunk and he gets so angry when he drinks nothing is his fault it was always mine. His new track didn't his number 1 on the charts and he..." I pause as tears fill my eyes. 

I pull up photos from Google docs, I don't trust icloud to hold my photos. I hand the phone to Steve letting him look into the album of injuries I kept. Steve's jaw hardens as he swipes through the photos of bruises, cuts, broken bones. "He smashed my face against the counter I couldn't get up fast enough before he just sat on me nailing me with his fist until I'd black out." I choke out sobbing. "The good didn't weigh out the bad and I up and left when I came to. I left the ring on the table and left to come here." I add with tears still running down my face. 

"Then when he saw you again it was at the award show," Steve says understanding what happened. I pull out a smoke and light it taking a long drag nodding. "You don't deserve to be treated like that Lynn." Steve says as I meet his gaze. I laugh a little shaking my head, not just any laugh I begin to laugh hysterically causing Steve to give me a look of concern. "I can't believe I got engaged to a man I knew would never change." My laughter very quickly changes to crying. 

I'm pulled into a hug, I instantly hug back burying my face in Steve's chest. "I'm sorry for what happened to you," he says in my ear. We stand there for a few moments before I look up into his Hazel blue eyes that always melt my heart. "Thank you," I say softly placing my lips on his only to be interrupted by a phone going off. I step back looking at him. "That's you, not me." He says as I look down to see Grace's face come up on my screen with her name. 

"Hello," I answer, "Aunt Lynn can you come to the school and pick me up?" she asks. "Why what's up?" I ask her, "I got my period and I'm not prepared." she says almost in tears. "Okay, I'm gonna run home and grab some clothes that will fit you and some stuff to get you through the day okay?" I tell her. "Thank you, aunt Lynn," she says, "Any time I'll see you soon okay kiddo?" I tell her as I hang up looking back to Steve. 

"Everything okay?" he asks, I nod, "Yeah, girl stuff. I'll catch you later okay?" I ask. He leans down kissing me softly before I head into the house. "Hey, I'm taking you to dinner tonight." He calls causing me to turn halfway to the house. "I am huh? Maybe I have plans." I reply smirking as I walk inside grabbing my keys off the table. "Oh yeah doing what getting another injury?" Steve asks walking in with  as his phone rings. "haha your hilarious." I reply with sarcasm, "Maybe to dinner." I tell him as I walk out the front door and into my Lamborghini. 

Backing out of Steve's driveway, I take off to my house which is only a couple blocks from Steve, Danny and Five-0 headquarters. With my luck lately, I can't be too safe, I pull into the driveway killing the engine as I run inside and down the hall into my room. 

I grab a small black purse backpack made by some top designer in LA. I throw 3 pads 2 tampons, a pair of blue skinny jeans and a red and black plaid shirt with a pair of black Toms. I grab the bag and head for the door. After locking the door I climb into my car and head towards Grace's school arriving in 20 minutes. 

Pulling into a parking spot I climb out of the car messaging Grace 'I'm here where are you?' I walk towards the front door walking in to see Grace walking towards me with a sweater wrapped around her waist. "Here. Go change while I sign you out okay?" I tell her. "Thank you so much, you're a lifesaver." She says taking the bag and running to the bathroom as I pull out my phone dialling Rachel's number. 

After a couple rings, she answers, "Hey, Lynn I haven't heard from you in a while." she says. "Yeah, it's been a while. How are you?" I ask her standing in the front foyer, "I'm on a business trip with my husband on the mainland." she says clearly getting impatient, "I was calling to let you know Grace got her period today and I wanted to ask you if I can pull her from school to go to the spa?" I ask her. "Is she okay?" Rachael asks, "Yeah she got it in class and called me so I came down to the school and gave her some clothes and products." I tell her. "Yes, it's alright just have her call me later. I'll call Danny and tell him," she tells me. "Okay thank you, Rachael" I reply. "Lynn? we really appreciate the help with Grace's post-secondary fund," she says causing me to smile. "Ohana is there for each other, plus I can't take it with me when I die so," I reply as we do our good bye's and I walk into the office and sign Grace out. 

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