Chapter 13

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I lay on my yacht in the sun, I took the boat out here to get away from everything for a few days. I lay in my floral bikini as I sip on a margarita. The radio softly playing Coldplay in the background as the boat sways.

 My phone rings ruining what I would call a perfect a perfect moment. Getting up I walk over to where the kitchen is looking at the caller ID 'Danno' "Hello?" I say answering the phone as I place it up to my ear. "Hey, Danno" I slur a little tipsy, "Are you drunk?" Danny asks as I see something move in the hall out of the corner of my eye. "I'm buzzed, there's a difference," I reply as I turn and begin walking towards where I saw the movement. "Oh yeah, what's the difference?" Danny asks as I round a corner and see him standing there my father. 

"Danny, I gotta go," I tell him as I hang up looking at the man in the nice suit sitting in my living room. "Lynn is it or is it Karlie? It's hard to keep up sometimes," he says cocking his head keeping his voice monotone. "How did you get here?" I ask him as my phone starts to buzz, 'Danno' i hit ignore. "Don't worry about that," he says as my phone starts to ring again. "You're not gonna let this go are you?" he asks looking at me. 'McGarrett'  "Until I figure out who you are, no I won't stop," I reply hitting ignore. He sits there quietly, "You see the thing is, you knowing my name is too dangerous. There are a lot of people who would you to get to me." he says standing up. 

He begins walking closer to me, I step back in fear. "I can protect myself," I reply causing him to chuckle. "That's adorable." he says as my phone rings again, I grab the phone 'McGarrett' He takes the phone from me throwing it on the floor before smashing it with his foot. The boat begins moving causing me to look at him. "Don't worry I won't make you suffer as much as your mother did," he says with a sickening smirk. "What did you do to her?" I ask in fear as the boat stops. He shrugs grabbing my shoulder, I go to elbow him when I hear the distinct click of a gun being loaded. 

What is with people wanting me dead, seriously what the fuck did I do? We walk out to the back of the yacht "So what you're just going to murder your own daughter in cold blood?" I yell as he pushes me towards the edge of the boat pointing the gun at me. "Get in the shark cage" he orders, I slowly turn looking at the shark cage in the water. "So what you're going to leave me out here and let the sharks have me so you can have a guilt-free conscience?!" I yelled looking at him. 

"I can't even look at you" I reply as I walk over to the edge of the boat lumping into the cage. The motor on my boat starts as the boat leaves me in the middle of the ocean in a metal cage. 'How did I manage to fuck up so bad?' I tred water trying to find a solution. I look around and the closest thing is a Bouie 100 meters away. I will become sushi if I stay here, I will become sushi if I stay here I repeat over and over already feeling tired from keeping my head above water.  'Be strong, you were a fucking SEAL Lynn get it together' I look around not seeing anything around me. 

I climb out of the cage and begin swimming towards the Bouie at a steady pace. Fast thrashing movements are what attract sharks, that and blood. I feel exhausted by the time I'm 75% there, however, I push myself using all the energy I have making it to the Bouie and climbing up as I notice the fin of a great white shark looking close to 12 feet long. I lay on the cool Bouie as it rocks from the waves knocking me out.  

I wake up shivering as the sun goes down, I stand up on the Bouie going into the rusted kit I pull out the flare gun pointing the gun into the sky I pull the trigger releasing the first flare. The flare flies into the sky lighting up for a few seconds before disappearing. My head is pounding lack of fresh water causing dehydration. 

It's quiet as I wait for help because that's all I can do. 'Great idea Lynn go out to the middle of the ocean to drink and don't tell anyone where you are, perfect plan'  I see lights in the distance as the sun sets taking any warmth I had with it. The faint sound of a helicopter sounds as I load the second flare into the gun pointing it into the air before pulling the trigger sending the flare into the air. 

The helicopter comes into sight with a searchlight hovering over me, soon after the US coast guard boat pulls up. I'm helped on board where I'm brought back to Honolulu, how could he do that to me? What was I expecting he killed my mother and tried to kill me and I still have no name. "ma'am I need you to answer some questions" a man says but all I do is sit there shivering. 

"Let's start with your name?" he asks and I just sit there, "How long were you out there?" he asks another question when I'm silent. "Do you have anyone we can call to come and get you?" he asks catching my attention. "Detective Danny William's" I reply softly, "From Five-0?" he asks as I zone out again. 

We reach Honolulu and I'm helped off the boat with the blanket still over me. My bare feet on the wood as we make our way off the dock when I'm pulled into a hug. "What happened?" Danny asks and I just stand there still trying to process what happened. "She hasn't said anything other than gave us your name" the coast guard says as EMS check me out. 

"Lynn" I hear someone say but I'm lost in the fact he didn't think twice before leaving me for sushi. "Hey" My chin is lifted and I'm met with Steve's, "Can you tell me what happened?" he asks as a tear rolls down my cheeks. He wipes the away with his thumb waiting for my answer. "I met my father," I whisper beginning to cry more as I used the term father. 

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