Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Lynn's POV

The drive home isn't long and before I know it I'm changed and ready to go to Mickey's dance studio to teach a class like I do every Friday. I change into some black leggings with black stiletto boots and a black crop top.

I fix my hair and begin cleaning up my face from earlier this morning when the doorbell rings. I stroll over to the door. Rolling my eyes knowing exactly who it was. I opened the door being greeted by Steve and Danny. A sigh escaped my lips as I left my front door open. I walked off not saying a word or making eye contact with the duo.

"No sassy remark?" Danny quipped I ignored the blonde.

Taking a cotton ball covered in rubbing alcohol and dabbing it lightly against the cut on my lip.

"Here," Steve says approaching me. Danny watched his arm leaned against the door frame.

"I got it. I'm a big girl...believe it or not Commander this isn't my first bump and scrap I'll be fine." I quipped a smirk present on my lips.

He backs away hands out in defence as I finish cleaning myself up. I sighed at the two men in the mirror giving them a look before throwing the cotton ball away. I walked past them gathering my things for the class.

This is so freaking awkward say something Lynn!

"You know I don't need a babysitter" I quipped at Danny arms crossed over my chest.

"I know...I just came to see how you were doing." Danny probed.

"We saw each other thirty minutes ago Daniel" I snapped tossing a granola bar in my bag. I paced between my bedroom and the kitchen making sure I wasn't forgetting anything.

"Would you like to press charges?" Steve asked. I shook my head no.

"I'm pressing charges for you Lynn," Danny barked.

"Oh so now you're making decisions for me too... great this day just keeps getting better and better." I mocked

Even though Connor may have been a complete and total ass sometimes there's still part of me that cares and loves him. I don't think that will change. He wasn't always like this. We've had our ups and downs and I didn't feel the need to press charges on him. I just wanted the guy out of my life for good never wanted to deal with him again.

" officers of the law we are legally required to press charges," Steve inclined standing next to his blonde partner.

"If there's anything we can do to help, you know where to find us," he continues.

"Okay," I remarked a sigh leaving my lips. The blonde sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose.

I walked back into the kitchen grabbing a water bottle. The front door closes indicating that they left.

Of course, he would be pressing charges why wouldn't he be it's Danny. I should've never even gone to him about any of this.

I growled under my breath grabbing my bag before setting my alarm and turning off all the lights quickly walking out the door. The drive to dance class was quick seeing as I was speeding most of the way. I finally made it to the class. Late as usual. I ran in tossing my bag next to the others that were piled in a corner of the room. The students were scattered around the room some of them were stretching, others were talking, or on their phones. I cleared my throat and they all gathered around paying attention to me.

"Hey, guys sorry I'm late I was a little held up," I explained. They all just nodded in response not really caring.

"So we're going to be working on the choreography for Sexy back by Justin Timberlake since Valentine's day is just around the corner. I'm going to show you the whole dance and then we'll break it down together, sound good?" I questioned they nodded again.

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