Chapter 12

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The last month has been difficult trying to do anything with an air boot and arm cast. Luckily the break in my ankle has healed enough to take the air boot off yesterday and the cast on my arm should be taken on in the next couple weeks. The only struggle now is rebuilding the muscles back in my leg.

the messages stopped after Steve and Danny took my phone as evidence. I ended up getting another one but no messages from unknown numbers. Steve and I have gotten closer over the last month when he's got free time. Promised to help me work on building my strength and said he'd help me with my combat skills. 

So far I've spent my morning in bed, not wanting to get up or even leave my bed today. Grabbing off the floor I throw on Rick and Morty before the show has a chance to start I press pause getting up and walking over to my vanity table grabbing my grinder out of a small bag and my bong from the floor under the desk. I pack a medium sized bowl as I light it and inhale the smoke releasing the smoke into an air filter removing the smell and smoke.

The filters are around $20 on Amazon with shipping, they make hiding the fact I'm a stoner easy.  Every muscle in my body relaxes a few seconds after the hit, I hid the grinder and bong separately, before climbing back into bed watching Netflix as I fall back to sleep. 


I sit up noticing how dark the room is now, my eyes grow heavier and just as I'm about to fall back asleep the overheard light is turned on causing me to groan and bury my face into my pillow. "How are you still asleep?" Steve's voice says, "imsotiredgoaway," I say. "What?" Steve asks "goaway, "I say as the pillow muffles my voice. My eyelids grow heavier as I feel the sheets lifted. I'm pulled into Steve's hold falling back to sleep again. 

I wake up a few hours later sitting up and stretching as I grab a glass of water just now noticing Steve in my bed. "You- how did you-" I stop mid-sentence knowing that there's no point in lecturing him about breaking in. "I got here and you were out," Steve says from beside me as he watches Rick and Morty. "I was gonna make fun of you for watching cartoons but I'm kinda hooked, " he says giving me a smile. "So when did you go to bed last night?" he asks, "I little after 10." I reply as I sit up looking at Steve, "Okay well you slept for almost 24 hours." Steve says looking back at me. 

"I was tired," I reply as I get up and walking over to the bathroom closing the door behind me. "Hello Dear," a deep voice says causing me to turn to see a man is a suit, older short black hair by appearance he is clearly not American. He sighs, I could scream Steve would hear me. "Don't even think about calling Commander McGarrett," he says with a smirk stopping me in my tracks. "My you've grown up a lot." he says walking closer to me causing me to step back, "I'm not here to hurt you." he says as he stops in front of me. 

I can't back away anymore considering my back is against the door. "Who are you?" I ask looking him dead in the eyes, "I'm your father." he whispers in my ear before walking away, What? When I look up he's gone. I turn around fast going to open the door when everything begins to spin going black a few seconds after. 

My head hurts as I open my eyes, I'm on the ground by the sink and Steve is standing in the doorway. What happened? I met my father and just as fast as he was here he was gone. "You okay?" Steve asks holding out a hand, "Yeah, I fainted." I reply taking his hand as he pulls me to my feet placing his hands on my waist preventing me from falling again. "What happened?" he asks as I look up into his Hazel-blue eyes. "I moved to quickly" I reply, a part of me telling me not to mention the 3-minute visit I had with my father. 

"When was the last time you ate?" he asks, two days ago when he took me to Komacona's shrimp truck a couple days ago. "If you have to think about it it's been too long Lynn," he says concerned. "How do you expect your body to function properly and power through the day when your not giving your body the energy it needs," he says as I touch the back of my head wincing in pain. "Did you hit your head when you fell?" he asks stepping closer trying to get a look at the wound. 

"Steve I'm okay" I say stepping back, "Just let me take a look Lynn" Steve says. Something in his tone getting me to stop, he moves my hair looking at my head. "Damage isn't too bad, you're just going to have a nice bump on the back of your head for a few days," he says as I turn and look at him. "I'll make some steak, something with high levels of iron for you," he says remembering about my iron deficiency.

I smile and nod, "Let me get dressed first." I say with a smile as I leave Steve in the bathroom. "Or we could order food in and you don't have to change," he says trying to act casual. I turn giving him a smirk "Or I can throw on my camo and we can play out a foxhole fantasy." I reply knowing that he's into that. 

Steve walks over picking me up and setting me on the bed with him hovering over me, "You know how much I love the foxhole fantasy." he says pressing his lips to mine. Steve's hand travel's up my thigh and all I can think about was my father was in the house and he knows Steve. He deepens the kiss but I break the kiss looking away, I can feel his breath on my cheek. Steve sits up, I can feel his gaze trying to read me. "You okay?" he asks, I nod standing up walking out of the bedroom and down the hall and into the kitchen. 

A small breeze flow, glancing towards the window it's wide open. Quickly I slam the window shut locking it. "What the hell is going on?" Steve asks standing in the doorway with his arms crossed. "Nothing" I reply giving him a smile, "Nothing? Lynn, we're worried sick about you. Your lying to Danny and me, you take off without saying anything to anyone, You're starving yourself to the point where your body is shutting down." he says pausing looking at me. "What's going on?" he asks again, "Nothing," I reply as Steve sighs shaking his head as his phone rings. He pulls the phone out of his pocket "McGarrett. Mhmm, I'm on my way." he says hanging up placing his phone back in his pocket. "Duty calls" I reply as I walk past him out of the kitchen and into my room again. 

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