Chapter 15

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When I open my eyes the sun is shining brightly through the curtains. I turn to see Steve facing away from me. A smile forms on my face as I sit up only now seeing all the blood. "Steve, No Steve" I shout shaking him as tears fall from my eyes "PLEASE DON"T LEAVE ME HERE" I cry out as Wo Fat walks in pointing a gun at me. "Say Hello to McGarrett for me" he smirks before pulling the trigger. 

My body shoots up as a scream escapes my mouth, the light is flipped on instantly as I sit with my knees to my chest as I just sob uncontrollably. "Hey, It's okay Lynn. It was just a bad dream" Steve says as he pulls me into his arms rubbing my back until I stop crying. "Wanna talk about it?" his voice still raspy from just waking up. I shake my head no as I reach over to the side table drinking the tea Steve made me last night. 

I drink the cold tea still shaking from the nightmare, "Come here, I'll keep you safe Lynn" Steve says as I set the tea down thinking. I don't know what Wo Fat did to my mother but I will find out and I will be the one to kill him. I curl up into Steve's hold as I fall back asleep. 

I wake up to the sound of Steve's phone going off. I groan rolling away, "McGarrett, wait what? How did you locate her? okay, We're on our way. Lynn Chin found something on your mom." Steve's voice says causing me to sit up looking at him.  Without saying anything I'm up and throwing on a pair of blue ripped skinny jeans with a white Made in New Jersey Tank top. 

I'm downstairs with my shoes on before Steve is even out of bed. "Slow down Lynn," Steve says as he makes his way down the wooden staircase. I shoot him a look as I make my way to the truck climbing in the passenger seat knowing how Steve is about driving. 

After a few seconds, he climbs into the truck, jamming the key in the ignition turning it on. He backs out of the driveway as I bite my lip, "Lynn, I know you're looking for answers but you being adopted doesn't change anything, You'll always be Grace and Danny's Ohana" he says as we pull into the parking lot of HPD as the sun begins to rise.  "I know but I need to know the biological aspect of my DNA because it still makes up a part of who I am. Grace and Danny will always be my family." I reply as Steve parks the truck killing the engine. 

"I made calls to my lawyers after I nearly drowned and I left Danny and Grace everything if anything were to happen to me," I reply looking at Steve. "Hey, listen to me Lynn; nothing is going to happen to you," he says placing his hand softly on my cheek. "Not while I'm around," he adds. I smile at him in response, "Thank you" I tell him as he leans down kissing me softly. 

We break apart both of us smiling as we climb out of the truck and head inside. I chew on the inside of my cheeks nervously thinking about the information I'm about to be given. "Lynn it's going to be okay," Steve says trying to reassure me as we walk into the double glass doors of Five-0 headquarters. 

Standing at the tablet computer typing is none other than Chin-ho, he looks up at us as we walk in. "Hey, how are you feeling?" Chin asks looking at me, "As good as can be under the circumstances I guess." I reply giving a half smile. "What did you find?" I asked changing the subject, "So locating a record on your mom has been so difficult because..." Chin-ho says bringing up a picture of the goddess of modelling the woman that changed the game itself. 

Shock hits me, "That's not possible she died in 1962 Chin" I replied looking at him. "That's what everyone assumed, the truth is in 1962 Marilyn Monroe was taken by Wo Fat's father Ming Fat. Her body was discovered June first of 1990." Chin says. "What's important about June First?" Steve asks, "I was born." I reply, "So what they kidnapped her and kept her locked up all this time how'd she get-" I pause mid-sentence. He raped her, Wo Fat raped Marilyn Monroe and killed her the minute after she had me. 

I stare at the blonde model as I cover my mouth as tears fall from my eyes. "Lynn" Steve says stepping closer as I step back wiping my tears as the door opens. I turn and walk over to Danny's office sitting in his chair facing away from the door. My hand covers my mouth as I attempt to muffle my sobs. My heart aches, I looked up to Marilyn she was the reason I wanted to be a model and I'm also the reason she died. 

'Wo Fat not only raped Marilyn but forced her to carry and deliver the baby' A deep sob sounds as the truth suffocates me. What did I expect to find the perfect parents just waiting around for me to come home? I'd be lying If I said I hoped that would be the case. "Lynn." Someone says from behind me. I turn to see Danny standing there his face falls when he sees my face. 

Before I can think twice I stand up running into my older brothers hold. "deep breath in hun, In through your nose and out through your mouth." Danny says as he rubs my back. "To answer your question from earlier Wo Fat is a very cruel screwed up sociopath," Danny tells me. "He raped her, and forced her to carry and deliver me Danny that's torture," I tell him as I sob. "She went through that so you could live," Danny says as I let go of him, tears still running down my face. "AT WHAT COST?" I snap yelling noticing that Steve and Chin are now looking at us through the glass walls and door. 

"I didn't mean it like that. If none of this would've happened then I wouldn't have you as a sister" He says I walk towards the door pushing it open. My heart breaks as I say the words, "I'd rather never been born than be the child that was from a rape." tears fall from my eyes as I walk out of the office making eye contact with Steve for a split second before leaving the office and walking outside into the warm Hawaiian air. 


Hey, guys, just a quick authors note. 

I'm going to start uploading a chapter per week on Thursdays because I go back to school tomorrow. 

How are you guys liking the story so far? 


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